l a y b i n g - w a l o

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Eddie pulled his shoes on, getting ready to pick up Richie's gift. He had gotten over the flu a few days ago but faked it around Richie for an extra two days while he thought out his birthday present.

He'd spent a lot of time thinking of what to get him, which wasn't easy. Richie was a hard person to pinpoint interests, he liked almost everything which Eddie usually loved about him but hated when it came to gift giving. He couldn't decide on where to start or what Richie would appreciate more.

Since Richie was out with his friends, Eddie figured this was the perfect time for him to run his errand. They'd spent so much time together the past few weeks that Eddie couldn't go anywhere without Richie wanting to tag along. Again, as much as he loved spending time with him, Eddie didn't want him to be around while he picked out his present.

Eddie grabbed his bike from the garage and rode down to Derry's plaza.

He looked around the small town he realized he hadn't gotten to know too well at all. Sure, he'd been around with Richie but he never paid too much attention to his surroundings. He was too caught up in whatever they were talking about or too busy sneaking in kisses without anyone noticing to actually make himself familiar with the town. He felt like he still hadn't seen so much even if there wasn't much to see.

Eddie pedaled down the hill, excited to give Richie his gift. Richie had never been one to let Eddie pay for anything and it bothered him. He wanted to spoil Richie the same way he spoiled him.

"Richie, I have money." Eddie looked up at the taller boy who had shoved his hand out of the way to pay for their meals.

"Okay? I do too, what's your point?" Richie pulled his eyebrows together.

"Stop being a smart ass, you know what I mean." Eddie lightly smacked Richie's arm. "Let me pay for once. I want to buy you stuff too."

"Okay fine, you can pay for something when you're taller than me." Richie compromised, Eddie glaring up at him.

Eddie stood at five feet and six inches while Richie stood a head taller than him at five feet and eleven inches.

"I fucking hate you." Eddie mumbled.

"Sure Eddie Spaghetti, we both know you're hopelessly in love with me." Richie slung his arm around Eddie's shoulders. Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Stop calling me that, you know I hate it."

"You love it."

"I really don't."

Once he got to the shop, the salesman behind the counter greeted Eddie and asked him what he was there for. Eddie told him what he had ordered the previous time he was there. The man nodded and disappeared into the back of the shop, coming back with a case.

He then asked if they were a gift, offering to put them in a decorative box. Eddie nodded and accepted the offer, picking out the box and bow color.

After walking out of the store, Eddie hopped back onto his bike and decided to do some exploring on his own. He'd been cooped up in his house for almost a week and wanted nothing more than to spend some time outdoors.

Eddie had always enjoyed spending time on his own, going on adventures by himself was always his favorite. Of course he enjoyed Richie's company and Nedia's company back in San Fransisco but being alone was so peaceful to him. He loved walking around in a comfortable silence or with his headphones in, playing his favorite songs.

He decided to go to as many places as he could, even if they didn't seem like too much fun. He walked around the pharmacy for a while, making his way down to a grocery store, then an animal shelter. He stopped by the park Richie had taken him to many times before.

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