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Beverly and Richie walked down the lonely street. April's unusually hot sun beating down on them. They had just spent the day with Stan and Bill at the arcade then exploring caves and sewers. Beverly and Bill would always be ahead of Stan and Richie. He liked to stay behind and make fun of Stan and his outstanding ability to find a reason to be scared of anything and everything.

"Jesus Stanwad, that's not even poison ivy." Richie would say.

"Then what is it?" Stand asked, annoyed of Richie as usual.

"Poison oak." Richie waved a leaf in Stan's face.

Stan and Bill had gone home. Richie and Beverly decided to hang out a together a little longer. They liked spending time with Stan and Bill but loved spending time together. They felt comfortable around each other, they didn't feel like they had do something together. They were fine talking or sitting in a comfortable silence.

"Bill wants to go to the Quarry tomorrow." Beverly turned to Richie.

He stared at the handlebars on his bike.

"I can't go." He turned to her, squinting the sun out of his eyes. "I have a family thing."

There was no 'family thing,' he was going on a date with Eddie. He was going to show him around Derry. The feeling of it being a stupid cliché was mutual but there wasn't much to do in this town according to Richie. Eddie said he was okay with just talking but Richie found himself trying to convince Eddie to let him take him out.

He always seemed to surprise even himself when he was around Eddie. He'd find himself saying or doing things he never thought he'd do or say. Not because Eddie made him, but because Richie wanted to.

"Oh, well, you know where we'll be if you decide to come." She squinted, staring ahead.

"Unless you got a hot date." Bev turned to smiling, shielding the sun from her eyes with one hand, her other still on her bike.

"What?" Richie whipped his head to look at Beverly.

"Woah, I was kidding." She chuckled. "Do you?"

"Do I what?" Richie asked.

"Have a date?" She smiled.

"Unless you count my Aunt Martha as a 'hot date' sure." Richie chuckled.

"Oh, I've seen her," Beverly nodded. "She's a foxy lady."

"Ew." Richie laughed, Beverly laughing right after.

That night Eddie laid in his bed, imaging how he would spend his day with Richie. What the would talk about or learn about each other. Eddie had been on dates before and he'd been nervous but never like this. He didn't know why exactly he was nervous, but he'd convinced himself it was a 'good nervous.'

"Wait, tomorrow?" Eddie was talking on the phone with his friend from San Francisco, Nedia.

"Yeah." Eddie smiled, playing with the cord. "He said he was going to show me around town."

"Wear those red shorts, they make your ass look good." Nedia laughed.

"What-no." Eddie blushed. He didn't want to think of Richie in a sexual way, it wasn't that he couldn't, he just didn't want to. He didn't want to start their relationship on lust or anything physical, he'd started off too many relationships that way and they all ended terribly.

"I'm just excited to spend time with him." Eddie gushed.

"Haven't you guys talked before?" Nedia asked.

"Yeah, but for like ten minutes. The rest of our conversations have mainly just been about school." Eddie said. "This is going to be like, our first actual date."

"I'm so happy for you Eddie." Nedia smiled.

"Thanks." Eddie smiled. Nedia had heard about ever heartbreak, she'd seen every tear he shed when boys would hide or use him. She was genuinely happy that Eddie found the person that was meant to be with him.

"I have to go to bed, but, have fun tomorrow and call me after." She chuckled.

"Alright, bye." Eddie hung up and laid back on his bed. He stared up at his ceiling, falling asleep to the thought of Richie in that yellow Hawaiian shirt.

eddie and richie were supposed to go on their date this chapter but it got really long so next chapter sorry😔🤚🏽

random story but a few months ago this fight broke out at my school and it was crazy to me cuse one of the girls that was in the fight was actually like really nice to me. like i had her for pe my freshman year and she was nice to me. but then again you could tell she was one of those people that was about it you know? like if she needed to fight she would. i wonder how she's doing. she graduated this year, hope she's okay. i never learned her name but shout out to that girl ❤️

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