It's No Secret

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By : ivorydreams ( ao3 )


It's not that Harry and Louis are hiding the fact that they're in a relationship. It's not them being ashamed of each other.

People just never noticed.

Or the one where no one knows Harry Styles, the 'nerd', and Louis Tomlinson, 'mr. popular football captain', are in a romantic relationship.

( it's fucking great 🌞 )

They weren't keeping their relationship a secret. Not at all. It just happened that nobody looked close enough or paid attention.

Louis and Harry had been dating for two years and no one at school knew of it. Perhaps it was because they've never shared a single class since the beginning. Maybe because Harry was the nerd and Louis the football captain which made him instantly popular. Their social circles were on opposite sides. Or because they've never been seen together at school. Not even once.

Again, they weren't hiding. In fact, both were very open about their relationship. They hanged out the normal amount a couple does. Went out on special dates every month. Text messaged constantly. Spend time with each other's family. Practically acted like an old married couple.

But outside of their families and very close friends, like Liam and Zayn who were Louis' friends, no one knew about their relationship. In truth those two were the only ones who asked.

So it was quite the sight when people figured it out.

It was lunch time for Harry-- Louis would be at football practice right now-- and he sat with his friends/classmates.

"I'm telling you, that party is going to be brilliant. You have to come." Niall pushed up with glasses as he looked eagerly at Harry.

"I don't know."

"Come on Harry. You need to go out more. When was the last time you got laid?" Nick crossed his arms over the table and leaned in.

"Last night actually."

"Oh please." And there you go. Harry was being completely honest and no one believed him.

"We'll have fun. Its not everyday we get invited to a party like this one." Ed also tried convincing Harry.

"Its a pool party, Harry. That means girls in bikinis." Niall grinned hugely.

"I'm gay, remember?" Harry chuckled, taking a bite of his banana. Making the mistake of looking at Nick while doing so. The guy blushed and Harry looked away awkwardly.

"There will be plenty of shirtless blokes out there too. You've got no excuse." Nick still was blushing.


"Hazza?!" He heard him yell.

Literally the whole population of the cafeteria turned to the door. There stood Liam, Zayn and Louis in their football practice gear. A bit on the sweaty side, but still managed to get several sighs from nearby girls.

"Hazza?!" Louis called again, searching for the messy curls of his boyfriend. Ignored all the stares and stayed on his mission: get to Harry.

Then he saw two arms flailing about and chuckled.

"What are you doing?" Niall hissed at Harry. "Are you crazy? Stop bringing attention to us! They'll humiliate us and-"

"Babe, you're not going to believe this." Louis interrupted, shamelessly straddling Harry on his chair. While Liam and Zayn took the empty chairs around them.

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