I Made This Bed for Me and You

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By : Bearandleonardwrite ( ao3 )


Harry's a professional golfer and goes away on business from time to time. Louis' his boyfriend and sometimes he gets a bit worried that Harry will find someone better when he goes on his trips. Louis knows it's not logical, of course Harry loves him, but sometimes he needs to be reminded that his boy doesn't want anyone else. Harry's more than happy to reassure him.

(Or the one where Harry's a pro-golfer and loves to take care of his boy.)

Louis is sat cross-legged on the couch waiting for his Harry to come home. He's been gone on some stupid golf thing for what seems like ages. In actuality, it's been about 2 weeks. But in Louis' mind, it might as well be 2 years. Harry doesn't go away very often, only for major golf events, but when he does go, he's gone for a week or two at a time. Louis thinks back to when he first met him. It was right when Harry was starting to take the golf world by storm, and he'd been stunned by how good the boy looked in his posh clothes.


He had been working at a country club and Harry was having dinner with his caddy when Louis saw him. His curls were held back in a bun(a bun, honestly), and he had his head thrown back in a laugh. His eyes were crinkled in the corners and his dimples were full force. His stupid, plump lips were stretched beautifully and his Colgate smile shining in the otherwise dimly lit dining hall.

So Louis had done what any normal human being would have. He tripped over his own feet and dropped the tray of food he had been holding. All over Harry. Maybe not Louis' best move ever, but it got a conversation going.

"Oh, bollocks! I'm so sorry, sir! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I must have tripped over my feet or something! I'm so sorry!" Louis had apologized while picking up all the spilled food. "I'm such a klutz. I'm so sorry. The bills on us, don't worry. I'll make sure everything else goes smoothly. Promise!" If Louis would've stopped his rant for five seconds, he would've seen that Harry wasn't angry; he was more amused than anything. He also couldn't stop staring at the boy who was frantically apologizing and cleaning.

Harry didn't know how he'd landed a job at this country club, honestly. The boy in front of him was the complete opposite of the kind of people that generally worked there. He had tattoos down his right arm that were barely concealed by the rolled sleeves of his button-down and every time he leaned forward, Harry could see more tattoos on his collarbones. His hair was caramel brown and styled up into a loose quiff. He was wearing tight, tight black jeans that hugged his thighs, and probably his bum, nicely. And he was, well, he was simply beautiful. He was the most beautiful man Harry had ever seen, hands down. And he was still apologizing. Maybe Harry should do something about that.

"Uhm, no it's okay. Really, it's fine." As soon as Harry spoke the boy, or man, rather, stopped his fretting and looked up at Harry. Blue eyes met green and Harry sighed internally; his eyes were just so pretty. He was so pretty. Honestly. Harry flashed him a winning smile, "I'm a klutz, like, all the time. Seriously, so bad. If you wouldn't have dropped the food all over me, I would have. It's fine, really."

The boy looked at him like he'd just lost all his marbles, which was probably true, and picked up the tray. "Uhm," he started before clearing his throat. "I'm not usually this clumsy. I'll make sure the next round of food makes it on the table, not your lap. I'm Louis," Louis said.

Harry smiled. "Louis," he repeated, liking the way the name rolled off his tongue. "I'm Harry. I'd love to chat more with you when you've finished working. Would that be possible?"

Louis grinned and nodded once. "Er, yeah, yep. That's, uh, good. Yes, good. Least I could do. I'll just, uh, go now. Gotta take this back to the kitchen. Sorry, again!" He said before turning on his heels and walking back towards the kitchen.

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