Chapter 11: The Warning

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Greed walked to her room in silence once she got back from the hospital. She felt sick, she felt angry, she felt scared. Her emotions were swirling crazily inside of her. Falling onto her bed she hugged her pillow tightly and screamed into it.

Tears began to fall from her eyes as she laid there. Thoughts of Roxlin filled her mind. Images of him being hurt, forced to hurt people, and the last time she had saw him in The Darkness. A knock at her door caused her to sit up and she quickly wiped her tears away.

"Hey, Pony made a lot of pasta for dinner. You coming with Matt and I?" Kaneki asked.

"No. I'm not hungry." she lied. All she wanted to do that moment was to be alone.

With Matt and Kaneki gone, she stood up and walked into the living room. She grabbed the laptop and started to search up the Vice-CEO of VIRGO Tech, Sam Van. He was a model citizen. No arrests, holds charities for the people in Africa, helps the homeless, and has a free program for schools to use in teaching computer technology to high school students. But Greed knew there had to be something about him. Something that could tell the truth about  him, but it seemed that it was wiped off the grid. 

"Dammit, there has to be something." Greed muttered as she scrolled down the screen. 

She let out a sigh after another hour of useless searching. She closed off the screen and turned the laptop off. She stood up and streched as the door opened. Kaneki and Matt walked into the room with a bowl. 

"Armin got worried so she had us bring you some pasta." Matt told Greed as she handed her a bowl of pasta. 

"I'm not hungry." Greed said as she placed the bowl into the fridge. 

She walked to her room and laid down on her bed. Kankei and Matt looked at each other, before barging into Greed's room. Greed was about to shout at them to go away, but Matt hit her with a pillow. 

"What's wrong?" Matt asked her. 

"It's nothing. Now go." Greed told her as she tossed the pillow at her. 

"If it's nothing, then you wouldn't be acting like this. Now tell us." Matt told her. 

"No." Greed told her and Matt glared at her. 

"Tell me, or I will get France!" Matt said and Greed looked down at the ground. 

She told the two about what had happened at the hospital and about Sam Van. Matt told her that she would search for info on Sam Van, while Kaneki went to go tell, Reiner, Armin and Pony about everything. 

Meanwhile back at the hospital Roxlin laid in bed glaring out the window at the full moon. The door to his room opened and he turned to see Daniel's father standing there with a smile on his face. Inwardly Roxlin groaned as he forced a smile on his face. 

"Hello Dad." Roxlin said as he sat up slowly. 

"Please Daniel, you don't have to sit up. You need to rest." Mr. Phillips told him as he sat in a chair next to his bed. 

"I've been resting for the last few years. I think I can sit up, Dad." Roxlin told him with a fake chuckle. 

Mr. Phillips smiled at his 'son' and patted his shoulder. 

"I'm glad you finally woke up, son. Your mother and I have missed you. You'll be able to come home within the week. The doctors say you're healing is a miracle from God." Mr. Philips told him happily. 

Roxlin let out a tch on accident at the words that Mr. Philips spoke. He knew that this was no miracle. It was because of the darkness that ran through his veins. The Darkness that, that man had injected his own son with. Who abandon his son with in a game, doomed for all eternity. 

"What's wrong?" Mr. Philip asked him, "Are you in pain?"

"A little, but I'll be fine." Roxlin lied quickly, "I think I'm tired." 

"Okay, go to sleep, son. I'll come back in the morning with your mother." Mr. Philips told him and left the room as Roxlin began to fake sleep. 

A few moments later after Mr. Philips left the room, Roxlin opened his eyes and tossed a butter knife at Sam Van who had entered the room. He dodged the knife and it wedged into the wall. 

"Ooh, someone's angry." Sam Van said as he pulled the knife out of the wall. 

"Bastard." Roxlin muttered, "I told you to leave me alone for today. I'm still resting." 

"Oh please, you're fully healed. Though you aim has gotten a bit bad." Sam Van said. 

"Piss off." Roxlin told him. 

"You're starting to annoy me boy. Maybe I should have some of my people visit your little friends tonight." Sam Van grinned evily and Roxlin glared at him. 

"What do you want?" Roxlin asked him through gritted teeth. 

"I want you to be a little good boy and do something for me." Sam Van told him and Roxlin got out of bed. 

"Yes, Father." Roxlin told him. 

At nine in the morning the next day Greed woke up to a loud scream from the hallway. Greed, Kaneki and Matt ran out of the room and was quickly knocked back from the sight that they saw. A man and woman stood in the middle of the hallway hugging each other. The woman broke from the hug and quickly put a diamond ring on her finger. 

"What kind of guy would propose to someone here?" Matt muttered. 

"Apparently that guy." Pony said appearing next to her. 

Matt quickly kicked at him, but he dodged the attack. Kaneki caught Matt as she slightly fell backwards. 

"What the hell!? Don't pop up like that!" Matt shouted at him as Reiner walked over to check on her. 

But before anyone could say anything more Armin ran out of her apartment and told the others that they needed to see the news. When the group walked into the room they stood in shock at what they saw on the screen. It showed an old man hanging upside down  on a wall with his stomach cut open, and right below the man was the same mysterious symbol painted on the wall in what seemed to be blood. 

"Shit." Pony cursed as he stared at the screen.

"They actually showed it on the news. I think I'm going to be sick." Kaneki said and ran to the bathroom. 

"Could it have been the murderer?" Armin questioned. 

"What if it was Roxlin?" Matt asked, "He is working for the creator now." 

"NO! It wasn't Roxlin!" Greed shouted. 

"Greed calm down! We don't know if it was him or the murderer." Pony said, "It could have been either of the two." 

"Who ever it was, we have to becareful." Reiner said, "One of us could be next."

"Or not." Armin said as she stared at the screen, "This looks more like a warning. The way the body is displayed like that, and it being on the news for all to see. If we were going to be a target, the killer wouldn't want us to know." 

"True, but either way, we need to becareful." Reiner told her. 

"Yeah." Pony said and stood up, "I'm going to go to the gym and train my fighting skills." 

"I think I'll join you." Reiner said, "I need to get stronger." 

"That's not actually a bad idea. I think we all need to train and we need to find weapons." Kaneki said. 

"I know a site that we could get our weapons. We could order them later." Reiner said. 

"Yeah, it's not weird at all to carry around swords and giants hammers." Matt said sarcastically.

"It's beats being defenseless when we run into an enemy." Pony said. 

"Yeah, I suppose so." Matt said and the group left to go train. 

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