Chapter 18: Revenge and a New Journey

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Three days after the death of Matt everyone stayed together at the campsite. They were all in mourning, except for Pony who was filled with rage, and ready to kill everyone that worked at VIRGO Tech. Roxlin had not been around them at all and only contacted Pony a couple of times which ended up with Pony yelling and cursing at him.

"Everyone of them are dead when I get a hold of them." Pony told Reiner and Armin after Greed, and Kaneki had gone to the bath house to clean off from falling into a giant mud puddle.

Armin frown and hugged her knees as Pony began to talk about getting revenge. She wanted everything to just go away. She did not like this anymore. Someone she knew and cared for was dead. Everything in her body was telling her to get up and run away from it all, but she knew it wouldn't do any good, and she couldn't abandon her friends like that.

"I need to go get some air." Armin said and walked away from the two.

Pony stopped talking and looked at the ground as Reiner went to go for drive into town for supply. Ten minutes later Armin returned and went to her tent zipping the entrance closed.

When evening came everyone sat around the camp fire in silence eating roasted hot dog weiners, and hamburgers that Reiner had fried on a grill.

"In town earlier I saw some VIRGO Tech goons searching for us." Reiner said, "I over heard them talking about something."

"What did they say?" Kankei was the first to ask.

"The creator ran into a bit of trouble with some files to merge our worlds." Reiner told them, "It seems someone had deleted the important files needed to stabalize the atoms and protons to keep the portal open, but can't now unless he has one of us."

"Why? What's so special about us?" Greed asked.

"We have been to that world. What has been to it, can make the portal stablize due to the changes in your dna and body it has made." Reiner told them.

"Why won't he do it himself?" Pony asked.

"Because the process would kill him." Reiner said.

"He should do it. Save us from killing him." Armin said and took a bite of her cheese burger.

"The bastard won't do that willingly." Pony said, "But I do have a plan."

With that said everyone looked at Pony with their ears wide open interested in what he had to say. The plan that Pony had came up with was for them to be captured. Brought to Father, Pony would offer himself to be used as the stablizer for the portal. Armin disagreed and told him that she would do it instead, but he assured her that he would be fine. Before he could continue with his plan, Roxlin appeared.

"Cute plan. Too bad it'll fail and cause everyone else to die." Roxlin said and Pony glared at him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Pony asked him as he stood up with his hands clenched into fists.

"Making sure you guys don't die." Roxlin told him, "Father knows you all are here, and he is having his men coming here this instance. You won't have time to run away, so I brought you these."

Roxlin tossed a duffle bag down to the ground. Kaneki walked over to them and pulled out a sword.

"You guys can go down with a fight or go willingly." Roxlin said staring at them, "They can't kill you, so why not kill some of them? For Matt."

Kaneki gripped the sword in her hand tightly and nodded her head as tears filled her eyes.

"Now here's the plan, when you get kidnapped, do what they say. When they go to decide who to use as the stablizer, let them choose Greed. I'll handle the rest if that's alright, roomie." Roxlin said and gave Greed a wink.

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