Chapter 4: Symbols

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At the police station the group were questioned about the insane gun man. When the officer was done with his questions he informed Pony and Reiner about a letter the gunman had on him. He wasn't allowed to give it to them, because it was evidence for the crime, but he did feel like it was his duty to inform them about it. It could save their lives.

"The letter said "I'm back." There was this strange symbol on it. I never seen anything like it before." The officer told them and drew the symbol on a piece of paper, "Now if you are in danger, please call me."

Pony and Reiner told him that they would, if they had too and left with the others. Back at the apartment the group sat around in Armin's apartment and looked at the symbol while eating lunch.

"Anyone seen it before?" Pony asked pointing at the symbol that sat in the middle of the table that they all sat at.

"I think I have in The Darkness. It could be an ancient rune." Kaneki said and Armin took the paper to examine it closely.

The symbol was in the shape of a tear drop with two outer layers tracing it's shape. On the inside of the tear drop was a thick x with a plus or cross under it with a circle in the middle of the x.

"If it's from The Darkness then that means, someone from that game has entered our world." Armin said laying the paper down.

"And I don't think it's a friend." Greed said.

"We made too many damn enemies to know who it is. Damn." Pony said.

"It could be a servant to the Darkness. I heard those were beginning to pop up before the creator was defeated." Matt said and the group sat in silence for a moment.

"I don't think so. I mean it could be possible, but this person has to know our world." Pony said.

"It's been six months since we came back. I'm sure they could have learned how this world is by now." Matt said.

"Whoever it is, we need to keep an eye out for them." Armin said, "Now pass the salt, please."

Kaneki handed Armin the salt as Greed began to laugh causing everyone to look at her.

"What?" Armin asked her.

"It's just like the old days." Greed laughed, "I'm half expecting Roxlin to take over and hit on Pony."

"Ew, I'm eating." Pony said as he gave Greed a look if disgust.

When everyone was finished eating and helping clean up, they went off to do their own things. Reiner went to work out in the gym, while Matt went back to her apartment with Greed and Kaneki to watch anime. Armin went to walk her dog and Pony went to get his pet snake a mouse to eat.

While walking her dog Armin saw someone peeking out from a building located next door watching her. She quickly took four steps forward and glanced at the guy to see if he was watching her. Seeing his eyes following her, she pulled her phone out and began to text the others.

Armin: There's a creep watching me ;~;

Greed: Where!?

Armin: Outside. He's standing in the building next to ours.

As Armin sent the text her dog began to growl at the person making their way over to her. She put her phone away and began to walk back towards the apartment quickly.

"Wait! Miss!" The guy called out and caught Armin by her Armin.

On instincts she quickly removed her arm from the guy and kicked his feet out from under him. She picked her dog up and ran quickly towards the apartment building. Once inside she met Greed, Kankei and Matt at the elevator.

"Where is the creep?" Greed asked.

"Probably gone." she told them.

Greed and Matt ran to see if the guy was still there, to find him gone, while Kaneki and Armin went back to their apartment. By the time Greed and Matt got outside the man was gone. They went back to their apartment where Armin and Kankei were and hung out for a while until Pony barged into the room with his knife in his hand. 

"Where is the creep?" Pony asked as the others looked at him with wide eyes. 

"Long gone from here." Armin told him. 

"What did he look like? Did he say or do anything to you?" Pony asked her. 

"He was tall about 6' with light skin and short black hair. He was wearing a suit and he only grabbed my arm after calling out to me. I got scared, so I tripped him and ran." she told him. 

As she said that Reiner walked into the room. Matt let out a huff of annoyance at this. 

"Don't anyone know how to knock?" Matt muttered. 

"Sorry." Reiner apologized, "I saw Pony run by the gym quickly. I thought something might be wrong." 

"Yeah, some creep tried to grab Armin." Pony told him. 

"Where is he?" Reiner asked. 

"Gone. I wanted to kick his ass." Greed said glaring at nothing. 

An hour went by as the group sat in Team Three Star apartment going over a plan if the creep were to show up tomorrow or when ever he does. After they were finished talking, Armin, Reiner and Pony went to their apartment to get some sleep. 

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