Chapter 13: Rescue

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The only sound in the room was the front door slamming shut as Pony walked out of the room. Reiner ran after him, leaving Greed, Kaneki and Matt alone. Reiner stopped Pony in the hallway who was beginning to shake with anger.

"I'm going to fucking kill them!" Pony said angrily.

"I am too, but you need to be calm and straight headed." Reiner told him, "We need you man."

Pony closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before exhaling. He clenched his fists and walked back into the room. Kaneki, Greed and Matt stopped talking and looked at him. He looked back at them and opened his mouth to speak, but Greed cut him off.

"I'll do it. I'll trade myself over to them for Armin." Greed told them.

"What? No! We are not giving you to them! We will save Armin." Pony told her.

"No, you guys can get hurt or killed. I don't want that to happen." Greed told him.

"And what if they hurt or kill you? We don't want that to happen. So your ass is staying with us." Pony told her, "Now we have five hours to come up with a plan."

As the group began to think of a plan a dark figure walked around the city whistling a cheerful tune. He passed many people who tried to avoid him or gave him weird looks. The figure stopped outside of an abandon church. He kicked the door open and walked inside.

Inside the church were men in black and red robes. They turned to the figure quickly in a defensive stance, but after a moment they all calmed down and went back to what they were doing as the figure walked towards the basement of the church.

"I hope you have made peace, you have five hours to live, little mouse." The figure told Armin who was glaring at the man from a small makeshift cell that she was chained too.

Armin remained silent as she the figure looked at her waiting for her to speak. When she wouldn't the man let out a annoyed sound, before walking away. When the man went away Armin looked around area for an escape route, but saw none.

Tears filled her eyes as fear of death began to crept up on her, but she quickly shook the fear away and blinked the tears away. She knew that the others would rescue her.

Five hours slowly passed as the group thought of a plan on how to rescue Armin and as they put the final details down the phone rung. Reiner put it on speaker and the man began to speak.

"Five hours have gone by. Have you chosen to save the mouse or sacrafice her?" The man asked.

"We chose to save her." Pony told him through gritted teeth.

"Wise choice. We would have gotten Greed anyways." The man told him, "Now the drop off will be at 23rd street behind the bakery. Be there in ten minutes."

With that said the man hung up and the group left quickly setting their plan into motion.

The meeting place was empty when the group got there. A minute passed and a car pulled up. A man in a black hooded robe stepped out and dragged Armin out with him. She glared at the man as he began to speak.

"Ah, it's so good to meet you all." The hooded man said.

"You again!" Pony said glaring at the man.

"You know this guy?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, Reiner and I met him earlier." Pony told her, "He wanted to know about Roxlin."

"My "brother", apparently." The man said with air quotations, "An experiment of my father's."

"Enough chatter. Give us Armin!" Pony shouted at him.

"Okay, okay. Greed come to me my dear." The hooded man said and held his hand out for her.

Greed took a step forward, but Pony put his arm out in front of her stopping her.

"Give us Armin first." Pony told him.

"On three and they both go." The man told him and Pony nodded his head.

The man counted to three, and both Armin, and Greed began to walk. When Greed walked passed Armin she quickly cut the rope around her wrist with a hidden knife and dragged her away as the others charged at him.

"Run!" Pony shouted at Greed and Armin as he kneed the man in the gut.

Armin and Greed ran quickly from the scene, only to be stopped by ten men with weapons. The men grabbed the two and brought them back to where the others were laying on the ground hurt from being attacked by other men that had appeared from hiding.

"Mm this was a lot more fun then I had expected it to be." The hooded man laughed, "Now that I have the sacrafice, we shall go."

The hooded man snapped his fingers and the man holding onto Greed brought her over to him.

"Wait a minute asshole!" A voice from above shouted at them.

In only a second all the men were slain as a figure appeared in front of the hooded man.

"Rox-" The hooded man began, but was cut off by a sword sticking into his chest.

"I warned you." Roxlin told him before pulling his sword out, "Leave guys. I'll clean my mess up."

The others began to stand up slowly. Pony was about to say something when he was quickly hugged by Armin.

"Let's go guys." He said and they all returned back to the apartment building.

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