Chapter 15: The Split

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A few weeks had gone by since the group had broken into VIRGO Tech and stolen the information. They had been thinking of ways on what they should do with it and how they should do it. The idea that they had came up with was leak the information that they had found online inside Greed, Matt, and Kaneki's apartment. However before they were able too, Roxlin appeared by breaking through the window.

"I'm sorry guys, but playing the good guy is over." Roxlin said as he pulled a sword from a sheath that sat on the right side of his hip.

Being quick to react Matt grabbed a lamp and tossed it at Roxlin stunning him for a moment. She shouted at everyone to run. Armin quickly grabbed the papers and threw them in a bag before running out of the apartment with everyone. The group ran down the stairs as fast as they could while Roxlin chased after them.

"This way!" Pony shouted as he busted out an exit door that lead to the garage.

Reiner ran over to a man that was unlocking his car and pushed him out of the way, while taking his keys. He shouted out to the others while he hopped into the drivers seat. Greed jumped into the front passenger seat while Kaneki, Matt, Pony and Armin got into the back. It was a tight fit back there, but with a crazed killer after them, they didn't care.

As Reiner quickly drove towards the exit they passed by Roxlin. Pony hung out of the window for a moment with two extended middle fingers aimed at Roxlin who shouted out in anger. Pony got back inside when they escaped the garage.

"We escaped!" Kaneki said as she glanced out the back window.

"Barely." Armin said as she tried to catch her breath from running.

"Yeah. Good reaction, Matt. That saved our asses." Pony said and paused for a moment, "Shit! The documents are back at the apartment!"

"Don't worry. I have them." Armin said and raised the bag she had around her up.

"Oh thank God." Pony said with a breath of relief, "Without those we're screwed."

"And not in the good way." Reiner said trying to make a little joke.

Reiner drove around for a bit until they saw a few police cars driving around with their lights on and sirens blaring. The group decided to lose the car and go into hiding, but they did not know where.

"Maybe we can become hobos?" Greed said as the group hid in an old abandoned school building, "This would be a nice place to hide."

"No, that would probably be the first thing they'd search for. Abandon buildings." Pony said, "We need to think of something quick."

"Hm, maybe we have to split up..." Armin said quietly.

"What? We can't split up. We're a team. We have to stick together!" Pony said.

"She might be right..." Matt said, "We're a large group of people. We'll be easy to spot."

"But how will we be able to keep in touch with each other? Our phones are bugged." Pony asked.

"We'll meet up here every day at midnight. We'll have to be sneaky though." Matt said, "We'll probably need deguises. Who has cash on them?"

Everyone checked their pockets, and wallets to see what they had. With what everyone had on them added up to $220, and a half eaten dark chocolate bar that Kaneki quickly finished off.

"Okay, so if we split up who goes with who?" Reiner asked.

"Kaneki and Greed can't go with each other. They'll be easily spotted since they're twins." Matt said, "Kaneki can come with me."

"I can go by myself." Reiner said, "They'd be expecting us to be together in groups of two."

"True, but that leaves me, Armin and Greed." Pony said.

"The three of us can be together. We could be students from a college coming here for a camping trip? We could probably buy tents and stuff." Armin said.

"Okay, that's our story. What about you guys?" Pony asked the others.

"Thinking of moving into the area. Checking it out while my wife is at home with our two children." Reiner said, "A hard working father trying to support his family and give them a good life."

"Wow, that's actually good." Pony said and looked at Matt and Kaneki, "What about you two?"

Kaneki and Matt were silent for a moment.

"We could be here for an anime con?" Kaneki said.

"Or we could be lovers on vaction." Matt said.

"Matt's idea is more believeable." Pony said, "There's no con's around here right now."

"Oh. Yeah I can go with that." Kaneki said and hugged Matt, "Homo buddies for life!"

"Okay with that done I guess we go our seperate ways." Pony said and everyone looked at each other, "Becareful guys."

With that said the group devided amongst themselves after spliting the cash between them. Pony, Armin and Greed went to a camp ground not too far from there after buying camping gear, while Kaneki and Matt went to a cheap bed and breakfast. Reiner had gone off on his own to a cheap motel.

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