Chapter 2: VIRGO Tech

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When morning came the next day the group left for the airport where they met with Greed and Kaneki. The two were excited to finally meet everyone in the real world and hugged them tightly. Matt was knocked to the ground when Greed and Kaneki hugged her at the same time. The others laughed at them as Matt called out that she couldn't breath. When the three were done hugging, They went to a local park where they informed the two about what they had learned about the place, which wasn't much. It was bugged and the people couldn't be trusted, so don't go anywhere alone. 

When they were done there, they went to the apartment where Greed and Kaneki were taken to their rooms, but they declined the rooms and begged them to let them share with Matt. The two were suprised, but let them. Greed and Kaneki ran to their new room with Matt and informed her about it. The three girls high fived each other. 

"Team Three Star living together." Greed said. 

Once they were settled the group was brought out to the lobby where the couple explained to them about the place that they worked at and what they were going to be doing. 

"VIRGO Tech is a friendly and nice place. Everyone there will help you with anything that you need. So if you have any concerns let them know and they will help you sort them out." The woman said. 

"VIRGO Tech?" Kaneki muttered. 

"Yes, Virtual International Reality Gaming Online. It's a company dedicated to giving gamers all around the world a better gaming experience. They work on a great variety of gaming. MMOs, RPGs, FPS, and a lot more. It is your job to test these games and the new systems." The man said. 

"What were your names again? I forgot." Greed said rubbing the back of her neck. 

"I'm Sherry, and he's Hank." Sherry told her with a polite smile on her face, "Now please follow us to the company car that you all can use for whatever purposes you want. Just don't wreck it. The boss will have your head if you do." 

They walked out of the apartment building and was lead to a garage where they were met with many vehicles. Sherry and Hank walked over to a black SUV.

"As you can see there are many vehicles here to choose from, but today we will be using this big beauty.  Now hop on in and we will be on our way." Hank said and got into the vehicle. 

"Have fun." Sherry said before walking back to the building. 

"She's not coming with us?" Reiner questioned. 

"No. She has to run the front desk and make sure the staff are doing their jobs correctly." Hank told him as he drove off with everyone inside. 

The ride to VIRGO Tech took about thirty-five minutes due to traffic, and Hank had given them a small tour around the town. When the group stepped out of the vehicle they looked around at the tall building. It was about ten story high with tinted windows and in large dark blue letters at the top was VIRGO Tech. 

"Wow, this place is big." Armin commented staring up at the building. 

"No kidding." Pony muttered. 

Hank lead the group into the building where they were met with the CEO and some scientists that would be working on their gaming gear and monitering them during their game time. 

"Now we need to configure some of the gear to suit you, so will you please follow us to the labs?" Richard, the CEO of the company asked them. 

The group followed everyone to the lab where they were taken to seperate places. They were asked a few questions about what sort of games they liked to play and what sort they were best at. Most of them said RPGs, FPS and MMOs. The basics. After that they were sat in a chair where they had to stare at a screen when everything went blank. 

It wasn't until much later they were awoken, but they couldn't remember anything after the questions. When they left the building it was night and they were starving. Hank offered to take them to get dinner, his treat, but they declined. They were taken back to the apartment where they all gathered in Matt's apartment. 

"Am I the only one who can't remember what happened after the questions?" Pony asked the group. 

"I can't remember either. I sat down and then nothing." Greed told him. 

"Same here. Could they have drugged us?" Armin asked. 

"I don't know. We didn't eat anything, but the drug could have been in the air." Pony said. 

"Wouldn't the scientist be affected?" Kaneki asked. 

"Not if they had the antidote or a resistant to the drug." Reiner said. 

"Why would they drug us?" Matt asked as she sat on the couch. 

"That is what I'm wondering." Pony muttered and began to walk around in silence with a thoughtful look on his face. Ten minutes went by without anyone saying anything. Getting annoyed at the silence Matt turned the tv on. 

"The victim was a young student at the Dansem College of Arts. He was walking back to his dorm when the murderer appeared behind him with what appeared to be a sword from what witnesses are saying." the news anchor said, "The murderer is still on the loose so becareful and lock your doors at night. Don't go anywhere alone. If anyone has information on the killer please call the police."

"The murderer is 6'1, caucasian and is wearing a dark navy blue cape with a long sword at his waist. We have no information on what his face looks like or hair color at the moment. Now onto other...." The co-anchor said and Pony grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. 

"Dude!" Matt shouted.

"It's distracting me." Pony said. 

"There's a murderer on the loose around here!" Matt shouted at him. 

"The police will catch him soon." Pony said, "Anyway we have more important things to worry about. Our world can be in danger and we're the only ones who can save it." 

"Or our world can be safe and you're just being paranoid." Matt said and Pony glared at her. 

"Explain how and why we were stuck in that game for a year and a half? Then we come back to our world as if it never happened and then we all get the same strange email about this place." Pony told her. 

"Plus they know that we were stuck in that game." Reiner said. 

"How do you know that they know?" Armin asked him. 

"I called the support to get more info about the place. The person kind of let it slip that they knew about us being in the game. Haven't heard from that person since though." Reiner said, "They probably found out and got rid of them." 

"Yeah." Pony said and paused when Kaneki's stomach growled with hunger, "We should discuss more after we get something to eat."

The group left the apartment and went to a local resturant. 

"It's great being together with everyone again." Armin said as they waited for their food. 

"Yeah. I missed this." Kaneki said. 

"It's not the same without Rogue and Fandom." Greed said with a frown appearing on her face. 

"It was Rogue's and Fandom's choice if they didn't want to come here." Pony said. 

"I know." Greed said as the waiter appeared with their food. 

The group was in silence as they ate their meal when they were finished they payed the bill, and left. As they walked towards the vehicle, Reiner paused and looked around when he felt like they were being watched. Pony noticed Reiner and asked what was wrong. 

"Nothing." Reiner said and got into the vehicle. 

As they drove away a figure hidden in a dark alley across the street grinned. 

"Here I come Lost Reality." a figure chuckled while stepping out of the darken alley.

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