Chapter 1: The Apartment

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A month had gone by since Lost Reality had gotten the email that would lead them closer to finding out about the game known as The Darkness and to why they were targeted. The group accepted the offer, all except for two of them. Rogue and Xeno, who couldn't come due to the fact that they wanted to put that behind them and because it was also dangerous.

The apartment building was about seven stories high. It had a modern look too it with a small garden on the roof. The first to arrive to the apartment building was Reiner and Pony who had taken the same plane ride, and taxi. The two waited outside for the others to show, when they had gotten a text from Greed and Kaneki who informed them that they had missed their plane, and would have to wait till later that night to catch the other flight.

The second person to arrive was Matt, who had caught an early flight. Reiner quickly hugged her as she shouted out that she was unable to breath. Reiner let go of her and apologized. The three then went to get something to eat at a local fast food place while waiting on Armin to show. When they returned they saw Armin sitting on a bench with a small nervous looking dog by her feet. The dog began to bark at them as she quickly picked the creature up and calmed it down.

"Sorry, she's like that when people she don't know comes around." Armin apologized.

"You brought your dog?" Reiner asked and Armin nodded her head.

"Had too." Armin muttered.

"I brought Isaac." Pony said and pulled his pet snake from his jacket pocket.

Matt eyes grew wide and jumped back in surprised.

"You had that thing in there this entire time!?" Matt shouted.

"Yeah. I couldn't leave him back home." Pony told her.

A man and woman walked out of the building as the group spoke. Armin's pet dog began to growl at the two catching their attention. The man and woman stopped a few feet from them and smiled. They introduced themselves as the landlords and workers for the company that had hired everyone. They then ushered them into the building and showed them around.

"There is a small gym located on the fourth floor, a nice little libaray on the second floor and a nice little studio for dancing or drawing on the fifth floor. There is also a nice little garden on the roof, if any of you are into gardening." The woman laughed.

"It's also a nice place to be alone with a girlfriend or wife." The man said with a wink towards Pony and Reiner.

Pony remained quiet as Reiner began to make small talk with the two. While Reiner kept the two distracted, Pony looked at their surroundings. He noticed there were quite a few too many cameras, and he noticed some of the people who were living there already seemed a little too stiff.

The group stopped on the third floor at a door with the number 9 on the door.

"Okay so this room is for Pony." The woman said and handed him a two keys.

Pony unlocked his door and sat his things inside before following the others to their room. Armin and Matt were on the fourth floor with room 4 and 7. Reiner was put on the sixth floor with room 5. With their things inside their rooms, the group decided to explore the the building. When they got to the sixth floor Pony avoided the windows and was against going to the roof, due to his fear of heights, but Reiner and Matt forced him to come along. Armin grabbed his hand and held it to comfort him a bit.

The garden on the roof was beautiful and amazing. There were many colorful plants and some unknown ones. Matt looked around and noticed a camera on the fence surrounding the roof so no one could jump off.

"This place has a lot of cameras." Matt muttered to the others.

"I noticed." Pony said.

"We should go get coffee, or something." Armin said and the group left the apartment.

At the coffee shop the group sat down outside with their drinks.

"So the place is obviously bugged." Pony said.

"No doubt about it." Armin said and sipped her hot chocolate.

"And the people living there seem to be a little stiff around us. Like they were ready to attack if they had too." Reiner said.

"I noticed that. So no one in that place can be trusted." Pony said and took a sip from the can of monster that he had.

The group discussed a bit more and made a plan to met up there tomorrow with Greed and Kaneki to inform them with what they know. When they were finished with their drinks, they went back to the apartment and unpacked. Afterwards they all went to dinner and went to sleep in their own rooms.

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