Chapter 9: Slumber Party Towel Fights

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A couple of days have passed since the explosion at VIRGO Tech had happened. The excuse used for the attack was a leaky gas pipe. With VIRGO Tech shut down for a few weeks getting the damages fixed, Lost Reality was given a lot of free time. It was decided the day after the explosion for Reiner and Pony to move in with Armin for three reasons. There was a murderer on the loose. It was to keep the girls safe if they were in danger and third is because Pony broke his aparment room doing something science related.

"You two need me to step out for a bit?" Reiner asked wiggling his eyebrows to Pony and Armin who were placing boxes down in Pony room.

Armin's face went bright red as she accidentally dropped the box she held. Reiner snickered and told them that he was joking as Armin apologized about dropping the box. Pony helped Armin picked up the items that had fallen out of the box as Kankei, Greed and Matt walked into the apartment.

"Armin, want to come to our sleepover tonight?" Greed asked her.

"Sleepover? Sure." Armin said with a smile on her face, "Uh, what time?"

"Seven." Kaneki said, "But first we're going to go hangout and have a girls day."

"Oh ok. Let me finish up here and..." Armin began, but was dragged away by the girls leaving Pony and Reiner alone in the apartment.

The two looked at each other, before sitting down on the couch and playing a video game. The girls went to the mall first and checked out the stores. They spent a lot of time in one store, and almost bought everything that they could, before going to a coffee shop to get a coffee or hot chocolate. They stayed there for a while chatting happily with each other while drinking their drinks.

When they were done, they dropped by the aparments to drop off their things. When Armin walked into her apartment she froze with a blank face. Pony and Reiner were holding dart guns and shooting at each other while her dog hid under the couch scared. She cleared her throat and the two stopped.

"Hehe you're back." Pony laughed as Armin walked towards her room.

"Yep. I see you two are keeping yourself entertained." she laughed a little, "Try not to break anything." she told them as she dropped her bags by her bed.

"We'll try not too." Reiner said as he tried to hide a broken vase, "So you having fun on your girls day?"

"Yeah, we spent most of our time shopping." Armin told him as she walked back out of her room.

"Ew shopping." Pony said.

"So are you two having fun on your guy day?" Armin asked.

"Eh, it's okay." Reiner said shrugging his shoulders, "We're just having a hard time finding something to do."

"I say we blow shit up." Pony said.

"Not a bad idea." Reiner said and Armin's eyes went wide.

"You can't blow stuff up, you'll get arrested." Armin told them.

"Damn. Well we could go to a movie, or something." Pony suggested.

"How about we check out the garden?" Reiner asked.

"Uh, sure." Pony said, "I'm staying the hell away from the edges."

"Okay." Reiner told him and the two left for the roof as Armin went back over to Matt's apartment.

Time went by quickly as the girls hung out around the town and the boys decided to do a little gardening on the roof. When 7 o'clock came around the girls decided to watch a horror movie, while Reiner took a shower in his old apartment and Pony took one in his new apartment to wash off the filth from a dirt fight he and Reiner had gotten into.

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