Chapter 10: The Son and Father

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For the rest of the night Pony, Reiner and Armin explained to the others about what they had learned. The murderer had stolen a vile of darkness from VIRGO Tech, and was attacking women trying to find someone, who happened to be Greed to sacrafice. With the slumber party ruined everyone went back to their rightful apartments.

When morning came the next day Armin slowly walked into the living and laid down on the couch. Pony walked in not to long after her and raised her feet up, before sitting down. He grabbed the tv remote and turned the tv on, which happened to be on the news channel.

"Daniel Phillips...." The name mentioned on the tv caught Armin's attention as she tried to wake up. She laid there and listened to the tv.

"Coma fifteen years later from a horrific accident." the news reporter said.

"What did that say?" Armin asked Pony.

"Some guy woke up from a coma." Pony told her.

"Daniel Phillips, that's the name of VIRGO Tech's CEO's son. The one that Greed saw in the game." Armin said and yawned.

A knock came from the front door quickly. Pony went to answer it as Armin sat up. When Pony opened the door Greed quickly walked into the room.

"Daniel Phillips is awake!" She told them.

"We know." Pony told her, "We just saw it on the news."

"He's making a quick recovery. The doctors don't understand how it's even possible." Greed told them, "Though there has been a rumor going around that he has been awake for a week now, but the media is just discoverying about it."

"Wow." Armin said.

"So he woke up around the same time the vial of Darkness was stolen and he's making a quick recovery." Pony said and Greed looked at him.

"You're not saying..." She began.

"That Daniel could have the darkness within him? Most likely Roxlin." Pony told her.

Greed fainted after hearing that. Armin quickly ran to her side and checked on her, while Pony ran to get a ice pack from the freezer.

"Did she hit her head?" Pony asked Armin as she held some smelling salts under her nose.

"Yeah, but not too hard." Armin told him as she quickly sat up.

"Roxlin is alive!?" Greed asked him.

"Maybe. It's just a theory. My other theory is, that it is the Creator." Pony told her, "Hopefully it's Roxlin."

"Never thought I would hear Pony hoping for Roxlin." Reiner said as he walked into the room, "What's up?"

The three explained to Reiner what had happened. When they were done Greed left to go get breakfast with Kaneki who had slowly crawled to Armin's apartment in search of food. Armin offered to cook her something, but Greed told her that she could take her out to eat, and dragged Kaneki out of the room.

"Why did you do that? Armin makes the best scrambled eggs." Kaneki asked her sister.

"Because we have something important to do." Greed told her.

"And what's that? Rob Taco Bell?" Kankei asked her as the two left the apartment building.

"No, but that's not a bad idea. We have to find Roxlin." Greed told her.

Kaneki stopped walking and looked at Greed. She shook her head.

"We can rob Taco Bell, but finding Roxlin, we can't. He's dead and is in a game." Kaneki told her, "He can't be found."

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