Chapter 3: The Amusement Park

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A week had went by since the group began working for VIRGO Tech. During the week they were busy being checked out both mentally and physically. When the tests were over, the group was given the weekend off. 

"So what should we do? We have the weekend off." Pony asked the group as he lounged on his couch. 

"We should do something. Like go to an amusment park!" Greed said. 

"That's sounds like a great idea!" Reiner said. 

"Yeah! We could force Pony to ride a roller coaster." Kaneki said and Pony glared at her. 

"No way in hell I am going to ride a roller coaster. I hate those things." Pony said as he sat up. 

"Quit being a baby. Don't you want to be brave in front of Senpai?" Greed asked him. 

"If he doesn't want to ride one, you don't have to force him, plus I don't blame him. Roller coasters are scary." Armin told her. 

"Aw, fine." Greed said frowning. 

When the group was ready to leave for the amusement park Greed, Kaneki and Matt pulled Pony to the side and handed him an envolope. He opened it up and a blank look appeared on his face. He crumbled the envolope and the photo of him sleeping with an Ikaros body pillow into a trash can. 

"We have more and we will show Armin the picture of you sleeping with the body pillow if you don't ride a roller coaster with us." Greed said and Pony shook his head. 

"I don't care. I'm not going to ride a roller coaster. You know I have a fear of heights." Pony said and walked over to where Armin and Reiner stood waiting for the others. 

Once inside the vehicle the group drove off to the crowded local amusement park. Greed, Kaneki and Matt eyes widen at the sight of a roller coaster. It was 456 ft high with many loops and twists. You could hear the people screaming with joy and fear as they rode. Armin gulped as she stared at the ride. 

"Let's go ride it!" Greed shouted out and began to run towards the entrance. 

"Wait up!" Matt called out as she ran after Greed with Kaneki and Reiner leaving Armin and Pony behind. 

The two followed the four to the roller coaster and waited on the ground as they road the ride. Armin watched the carts ride along the track while Pony looked around the amusement park. He noticed a strange man in the distance, but ignored him. 

"It looks fun to ride a roller coaster." Armin said as the people on the ride did a loop. 

"You should have rode with them." Pony said turning to look at Armin. 

"I'm terrified of them. They're too big and the sharp turns scare me." Armin told him as the ride came to an end. 

The others got off the roller coaster broke and met up with Armin and Pony at the exit. Kaneki, and Greed spoke excitedly about the ride and how Matt had screamed when they went down a slope. Matt denied and said it was Reiner who had screamed. Pony teased her and Matt shot him a glare. 

"Okay where too next?" Reiner asked. 

"There's a haunted house. We could check that out." Armin said pointing at a map of the park. 

"Let's go to it!" Pony said and the group walked towards the haunted house. 

Reiner paused at the end of the group and looked around. He felt like they were being watched, but he couldn't pin point where. Pony called out to him snapping Reiner's concentration. He turned to the group and jogged after them. 

In the haunted house Armin screamed loudly and latched onto someone when she felt something grabbed her ankle. She kicked her foot around until she was free and the two fell. 

"Ouch." Pony muttered as he laid on the ground. 

"S-Sorry." Armin said as she pushed herself up from the ground, "I wasn't expecting to be grabbed." 

Armin helped Pony up as Matt laughed at them. 

"Armin's falling for Pony." Matt teased causing Armin to blush. 

A man in a Freddy suit jumped out in front of Matt causing her to scream. She kneed the man in the gut and punched him in the face. Reiner quickly grabbed Matt's hand and rushed a head of the haunted house. 

"Dammit, Matt." Pony cursed when they exited the ride. 

"He jumped out in front of me. He could have been a crazy killer." she said crossing her arms, "Anyway he deserved it."

"Good thing Reiner got you out of there or we could be facing charges for assault or something." Greed said. 

"Those were nice moves though. Where did you learn to fight like that?" Kaneki asked. 

"The Darkness. I can still remember how to fight." Matt said and the others looked around at each other. 

"Does that mean we can still fight like we did there?" Armin asked. 

"Probably. We should test it out when we get back to the apartment." Pony said, "They do have a studio we can fight in." 

"I want cotton candy. Let's get some." Greed said pointing to a cotten candy stand by the roller coaster.

The group walked over to the cotton candy stand and waited in line. As they waited Pony saw the strange guy from earlier. This time he was walking over towards them with his hand in his pocket. Pony kept his eyes on him and whispered to Reiner about him so he wouldn't scare the girls for no reason if he was just being paranoid about him. 

The man removed his hand from his and something shiny caught Pony and Reiner eyes. Pony ran at the guy and pushed him down. 

"He has a gun! Run!" Pony shouted at the others. 

Kaneki, Greed and Matt ran off as Armin hid behind a building. Reiner and Pony ran off as the guy stood up angrily. He chased after the two and began to fire his weapon at them causing many to people to run around in a panic. The man chased Pony and Reiner  onto the roller coaster. 

"FUCK!" Pony screamed out as the ride started with the three on the ride. 

The crazed man began to climb the carts heading towards Pony and Reiner who were stuck at the front. On a sharp turn the crazed man was almost knocked off, but he held on tight. He aimed his pistol at them and as he was about to shoot, the roller coaster dipped down causing the man to lose his weapon. 

The man screamed out and began to climb faster towards them. He was three carts away when the roller coaster did a loop. The guy fell from the cart and landed on the ground below after hitting a few poles. When the ride was over Pony ran to the restroom and hid there for a while. 

Reiner stood by the restroom and waited for the others to show up. Armin quickly showed up and tried to go into the restroom to check up on Pony, but Reiner made her stay outside saying he needed time alone. Kaneki, Matt and Greed showed back up after a while. By then Pony had came outside.

"Let's go." Pony said and the group left the amusement park, but as they were about to get inside their vehicle the police stopped them. 

"We need you to come down to the station for a bit." An officer said and the group was escorted to the Police Station. 

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