Chapter 7: A Message and Murder

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Back at his apartment Pony sat in front of his tv with the Rocher Dome connected to it. He opened an energy drink and quickly chugged it as the game began. An hour into the game, Pony did not see anything related to The Darkness.

"Come on, show me something. Dammit." he muttered as he ran through a forest, "I know there has to be something."

As he ran into an enemy there was a knock at his door. He muttered a curse and paused the game. "I'm coming." Pony shouted as he walked over to the door. He looked through the peep hole and saw Greed standing there. He unlocked the door and let her in.

"Found anything?" she asked him and he shook his head.

"I've been at it for an hour. Nothing has shown." Pony told her as he sat down and began to play again.

Greed sat next to him and watched the tv screen. Pony quickly defeated the enemy and a small creature ran at him. Greed squinted her eyes and stared closer at the screen.

"Is that..." she began.

"Roxlin..." Pony said as the character appeared on the screen with a box appearing next to his image.

About time you got here! I had to climb a tree to get away from those assholes. Tell no one back in the town, okay?

Two options appeared under the box.

What were doing out here? It's dangerous.

Scared of a few guys, Roxlin? *laughs*

Pony chose the second option and Roxlin grew a little angry at his reply.

I was not scared!

"It's not actually Roxlin. It's the game." Greed said frowning.

"Yeah, but we now know for sure that VIRGO Tech had something to do with The Darkness, unless it's a similar character design." Pony said.

"It's not. That's actually him. I know that face and those eyes." Greed told him, "You should continue playing now. We might get something like we did back at the facility."

With that said Pony began to play until it was midnight. By then Pony was on level 10 and was close to being finished with college in the game. Roxlin or anything else had not shown anything about The Darkness.

"It's getting late." Pony said as he roamed around the halls of the college, "I'm going to hop off here and go to bed. You should do the same."

"Yeah. Can I play this tomorrow? I have the day off from VIRGO Tech." she asked him and the screen began to flash.

I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming.

"Who's coming, dammit?" Pony asked as the word kept appearing.

A picture of Roxlin grinning maddly appeared before the game crashed.

"I think that's who." Greed said as the two stared at the screen.

"Fuck." Pony muttered as the two sat there.

A knock came from the door and Pony answered it revealing Armin. She stood there shaking with her bloody hand on her left arm. Pony quickly let her in and asked what had happened.

"Oh my God." Greed gasped seeing Armin.

"A man k-killed a woman from this building." she said as she sat down on the couch, "I-I was walking my dog outside when I saw her taking out the trash. A-A man walked over to her from across the street." She took a shakey breath and exhaled, "He-He pulled a sword from thin air and stabbed her. He saw me and watching and came at me. I managed to escape, but I cut my arm from a broken window."

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