Merry Christmas

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It was the groups first Christmas with each other in The Darkness and in real life. They were all excited and happy. Especially when the snow began to fall. Greed, Kaneki and Matt were the first to run outside and play in the snow, while Armin hid under her blanket to stay warm, while Pony tried to hid with her. Reiner was the next to run outside to play with the others, while Rogue made hot chocolate.

"Armin! Pony! Come outside and play with us!" Greed said barging into the guild house with Reiner behind her.

"No! The cold is evil." Armin hissed while peeking out of her blanket.

"I hate the cold." Pony said.

"Don't make me force you two." Greed said and revealed a snowball from behind her back.

"You'll regret it." Pony told her.

"Maybe, maybe not." Greed said and tossed the snowball at Pony hitting him in the chest.

Pony took off after Greed, who ran outside. Pony slipped on his shoes and grabbed his coat, before running out into the snow. Armin stared at Reiner who began to walk over to her.

She ran for her room, but Reiner caught her and began to drag her towards the outside.

"Noooo!!! It's so cold!" She cried out.

Reiner made her stand where she put her coat and shoes on. The two walked outside and were attacked by Matt and Kaneki with snowballs. Armin quickly dodged them, while Reiner hid behind a tree.

"That's cheating!" He called out as he began to make snowballs.

Armin hid behind a tree and began to make snowballs as Pony tackled Greed into a pile of snow. Greed began to laugh as Pony began to tickle her.

Grinning mischeviously Armin tossed a snowball at Pony, hitting him in the back of the head. He let out a yelp and looked at her. She looked away whistling innocently.

"Armin!" Pony shouted and Armin began to ran.

She dodged a few of Matt's snowball and rolled to the ground when Kaneki threw one. She pushed herself up, and made a run for the house.

"Reiner! Don't let her escape!" Pony shouted and Reiner ran after Armin.

"Nooo!" Armin cried out as she was tripped by Rogue who appeared out of no where.

She laid in the snow before she felt snow being pushed down the back of her shirt. She stood up screaming and jumping around as Pony and the others began to laugh.

She glared at the group and picked up a snowball. She tossed the snowball at them. The snowball hit Greed in the face knocking her down.

"Oh you're dead!" Roxlin shouted standing up.

"S-sorry!" She stuttered as her eyes went wide.

She began to run away as Roxlin chased after her. The group stayed outside playing in the snow until they could barely feel their body.

"That was so much fun!" Greed said happily as they all sat in the living room covered with blankets and holding mugs of hot chocolates.

"Yeah. We should have another snowball fight tomorrow." Kankei said and took a sip of her drink.

"I will win!" Reiner said puffing his chest out and posing.

"Yeah right! No one can beat me." Pony said.

"You guys wish you could win. I'll beat you both." Matt said.

"Yeah right. No loli can defeat me!" Pony laughed and Matt flipped him off causing everyone to laugh.

When the next day came the group got into another snowball fight and the winner was Matt, who had beaten Pony with many snowballs.

A week went by since then and it was Christmas eve. The group had put a tree up and decorated it with many homemade ornaments.

"I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas." Kaneki said as Reiner and Pony brought in a giant ham that they had gotten from the town.

"Yeah. I can't wait to open our presents." Greed said eyeing the tree with many wrapped gifts.

"We got the ham here. Let's start preparing for tomorrow's feast." Pony said to everyone.

When Christmas came the next morning everyone was excitedly around the tree grabbing their gifts. Greed was the first to tear into her gift to find many enchanted potions and much more items. Everyone in the group were so happy with what they had gotten and glad to be around each other for the holidays.

"Uh oh!" Pony called out to Matt and Reiner who were standing by the kitchen entrance.

"What?" Reiner asked and Pony pointed up.

The two looked up and Matt's froze seeing the mistletoe. Greed and Kankei began to laugh as Pony shouted for them to kiss.

Reiner bent down and gave Matt a kiss. She turned to Pony with a red face and began to chase him with her sword asking why he had to point out the mistletoe.

Reiner tripped Pony and turned his back as Matt began to beat him up, while everyone began to laugh.

"Help! Senpai, save me!" Pony called out and Armin shook her head.

"This is too funny." She laughed.

After a while Matt stopped and walked away from Pony who laid on the ground.

"Oh what's this? Pony and I, under some mistletoe?" Roxlin said standing above Pony with mistletoe hanging from his hand.

"Oh fuck that!" Pony said and began to crawl away quickly.

"I love it when they run." Roxlin said and began to follow after Pony.

"Nope." Armin said taking the mistletoe from Roxlin and smacked him on the head with the hilt of her sword knocking him out and brought Greed into control.

"Thanks Armin." Greed said and walked over to Matt.

Armin turned around when she felt the mistletoe taken from her hand. She blushed when saw it hanging above her from Pony's staff.

"Oh look, it seems we're both standing under some mistletoe." Pony said gave her a kiss, and causing her to faint.

She came too after Pony shouted out yaoi a few seconds later.

"Kankei?" Rogue said and Kaneki turned to him.

He smiled and gave her kiss, while Greed sat awkwardly with no one.

I'm going to regret this. Roxlin said and Greed was brought inside of her mind. Roxlin walked over to her and gave her a kiss. Merry Christmas. He muttered and she was back in control.

As night began to fall upon them, the group went outside and shot off some fireworks that they managed to make out of some things.

"If were's stuck together for another year like this, let's do something even bigger." Greed said as they watched the fireworks go off.

"Like what?" Matt asked.

"Invite the whole town, and have lots of things. Like music and just a big party." Greed said.

"That sounds fun." Pony said and when the last firework went off the group went inside for some hot chocolate and cookies.


Merry Christmas everyone ^.^ Thank you all so much for being my friend and putting up with all my weirdness and annoyance. I love you guys! /).(\

And to everyone else who may be reading this, thank you so much for reading ^.^ and Merry Christmas. More chapters will be posted in a couple of days.

Darkness OriginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora