Chapter 12: Kidnapping

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A month have gone by since the murder of the old man had happened. Many murders much like that one began to appear all over the area. It was clearly a different murderer than the first, who had mysterously dissappeared...for now. Everyone knew that it must have been Roxlin who was behind them, except Greed who denied it was him. 

"Another murder happened." Reiner said walking into his apartment dropping a news paper onto the coffee table in the living room, "This one was found hanging upside down above the entrance of a subway."

"Damn. This is the fourth this week." Pony muttered picking up the news paper.

"You'd think the police would have caught the guy." Armin said sitting on an armchair. 

"If Roxlin is behind the murders, they ain't catching him." Pony said reading the article, "And have the weapons come in yet?" 

"No. They should be here any day now." Reiner said. 

With the money that VIRGO Tech had paid them with, the group easily ordered some customed weapons that could protect them if they ran into any enemies that may appear. For the last four weeks the group began to train in the gym when they had enough free time. With VIRGO Tech still being repaired, they had quite a bit. 

"Good. I can't wait for my sword." Pony said as he stood up excitedly acting like he was swinging a sword around, causing both Armin and Reiner to chuckle. 

"My axe is going to be a badass." Reiner said as he pulled out his cell phone from his pocket, "I have to go do somethings." 

With that said Reiner left the apartment in a hurry. Armin and Pony looked at each other for a moment in silence. 

"I wonder where he's off too?" Pony questioned and Armin shrugged her shoulders. 

"Maybe he has a date or something." Armin said and a shock look appeared on her face, "Or maybe he's secretly in the Mafia and has to do a job for his boss!"

Pony smacked his face and shook his head. 

"Yeah. He's a hit man." Pony chuckled as his phone went off. 

He grabbed the device and looked at the screen. He let out a sigh, before putting his phone away. 

"I have to go too." Pony told her before leaving. 

Armin sat there alone, before slipping her shoes on and following after him sneakly. Her curiousity got the better of her. On the way out of the building she ran into Greed and Kaneki who were in the lobby checking their mail that they had gotten from their family. 

"Hey Armin, what are you sneaking around for?" Kaneki asked her. 

"Uh, just training my skills." she half lied. 

"Oh okay. Greed and I were about to meet Matt in the gym to train. We need another sparring partner for Matt, or Greed will be out numbered." Kaneki said. 

"You mean you will be out numbered. I'm not sparring against Matt. She'll kick my ass in 10 seconds." Greed told her sister. 

"No she won't. I will." Kaneki told her and Armin began to walk away as the two began to argue on who was going to have their ass kicked. 

As Armin walked out of the building she saw Pony walk over to Reiner. The two sat down on a bench and spoke to each other for a moment. Armin wasn't able to hear them clearly only catching a few words like break, reasons, and Roxlin. When they were done talking the two walked away from the building to a part of the town where most of the murders happened. 

Peeking around the corner of a building Armin saw a figure in black standing in front of Pony and Reiner. The figure began to speak to the two, and like last time, Armin wasn't able to hear what they were saying. As the three spoke to each other. Armin watched them without noticing that someone was standing behind her. The person got closer and closer with each passing second. When Armin noticed the person behind her, she tried to scream and run, but the person was too quick and strong. He quickly covered her nose and mouth with a cloth and held her tightly as she tried to get free, but she passed out during the struggle and was dragged away.

When Pony and Reiner got back to the aparment they noticed a letter taped to the door. Pony grabbed the letter and read it. He quickly clenched his fist and busted through the apartment door. He called out for Armin, but got no reply. He checked all of the rooms with Reiner following after him what was wrong. 

"Armin's been kidnapped!" Pony shouted angrily as he tossed the letter onto the coffee table. 

"What!?" Reiner asked picking the note up. 

I found a mouse snooping where she wasn't suppose too. If you want to see your friend again, bring us the girl, or your friend will be killed like the others. 

"Who's the girl?" Reiner asked as Pony shouted every curse he knew. 

"How the hell am I suppose to know!? Fuck." Pony said angrily. 

"Pony, calm down. We will save Armin." Reiner told him. 

"How can I keep calm when some psychopath has Armin!?" Pony asked him. 

A knock came from the door. Pony rushed over to it and answered it to see the girls. 

"We heard shouting. What's wrong?" Greed asked as the three walked into the room. 

Reiner and Pony explained to them that Armin was kidnapped and that they needed to find this girl in order to save her. 

"Who are they talking about? What girl?" Kaneki asked looking at the note. 

"We don't know. Yet." Reiner said and the phone began to ring. 

Pony jumped over to the phone and tried to answered it, but Reiner beat him to it. After a moment he put it on speaker. 

"Well well well. Lost Reality seems to have lost something other than reality." a deep voice laughed, "I do hope you liked my letter."

"Where is she!?" Pony shouted at the phone.

"The mouse? Well she's right here. Say hello dear." The man said and Armin let out a scream, "Ouch. There she is, now have you figured out who I meant? I suppose you might not have."

"No." Pony said through gritted teeth. 

"I thought so." he chuckled, "We want your other friend. Greed. You have five hours." 

With that said the man hung up leaving the room in silence. 

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