10- The Not So Sweet 16th Birthday.

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*Whoop Whoop! Chapter 10 two days after the last update! I'm proud of myself!... Of course POTM and SOTD are being neglected like red headed step-children, but it's sooo worth it if I can post the chapter I want to post by the 25th or the 26th!!.... Well.. Okay, on to the chapter! :D*

Sunday and Monday flew by quickly and before I knew it was Tuesday November 19th. Or as I dreaded to call it, the day I turned 16 years old.

I got dressed slow as a sloth and trudged down the stairs, managing to trip on the last step and land on my ass on the ground. Mumbling to myself, I stood off the ground and headed to the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday, Sweetie!" my mother exclaimed as I walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you Mum," I sighed, going into the fridge for some orange juice.

"How do you feel, being the big one six?" she asked, placing some eggs and bacon on a plate for me.

"Like nothings changed and its just a Tuesday," I shrugged, taking the plate from her. "Thank you."

"Your welcome," she smiled, putting some food on a plate for her as well, and then heading for the dinning room.

"So, are you hanging out with your friends tonight to celebrate your birthday, or are you coming home?" she asked, once we were seated.

"Coming home," I said taking a big bite of eggs.

"Didn't you make plans with your friends for your 16th birthday?" she asked.

"No," I mumbled. "I kind-of, sort-a-" I started.

"Kind-of, sort-a what?" she asked, raising a brow.

"Didn't-tell-them-it-was-my-birthday," I stated as quickly as possible.

"You, didn't tell them, it was, your birthday," she said back slowly.

"Yes-um," I nodded.

"And why wouldn't you tell them it was your birthday?" she questioned in her 'Mum' voice.

"I hate birthdays, mum., and have you met my friends? They're all used to spending money on birthdays and having big extravagant celebrations. I don't want that, and don't want them to think that's what is happening. Besides, I don't want them getting me anything," I explained with a shrug, grabbing my orange juice and chugging it down.

"Lane Samantha Hendricks, they are your friends, they would want to know it's your birthday," she said with a glare.

I sighed, shaking my head. "It's my choice and I decided they didn't need to know. I don't know why people celebrate them anyways. 'Yay, one year closer to death!' whoopty doo!" I grumbled, wiggling my finger in the air in sarcastic enthusiasm.

She gave me a flat look. "Lane, you need to get over your hatred of birthdays, it's just ridiculous."

"I'll get over them when I'm dead, how's that?" I asked, standing up and grabbing my empty cup and plate, then brought them to the kitchen sink.

"Lane," she said disapprovingly, following me into the kitchen.

"Mum," I mocked back.

She opened her mouth to say something when a car honked.

"That's Connor, I have to go," I said, walking around her and heading for the door.

"Lane!" she yelled after me.

"See 'ya later mum!" I yelled back, grabbing my bag and running out the door.

I rushed to the car and jumped into the already open door, closing it as I went.

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