16- DRAMA Is NOT Just A Class In High School

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*Chapter 16! What? What's this? Did Charlotte fraking finally update The Diary Of Lane? Why yes, it looks like she has! Praise your Gods!*

 “Lane!” Tyler exclaimed once she was inside and saw me. “You’re here! Connor said you wouldn't come today but he wouldn't tell me why but you’re here!” she yelled flashing to me and giving me a hug.

“Yeah, he keeps telling people that, I haven’t the foggiest of reasons why though,” I smiled at her and keeping my eyes down.

“Lane,” Connor started, but I shook my head to silence him.

“Taylor, Tyler why don’t you guys go into the living room and start whatever homework your horrid teachers gave you, while I talk to your brother, ‘kay?’ I suggested as I let Tyler go.

Tyler nodded enthusiastic and skipped away. Tanner gave me a nod and a quick hug before following his sister into the living room.

I took a deep steadying breath and walked towards the kitchen, Connor silently following behind me.

“Lane,” he started again once we reached the kitchen.

“No,” I interrupted, putting my hand up to silence him again. “This is how this is going to go; I’m going to talk and you’re going to listen,” I stated, shakily.

He gave a short nod.

“I,” I started and stopped, taking another deep breath and started again. “I don’t care, what you were thinking over Christmas. I don’t care what you were thinking when you left me to get a ride with Dillon after break to give your girl friend a ride. NO, I’m talking!” I snapped when he went to interrupt me. “What I do care about is myself at the moment so I’m going to tell you what I did today. I had a mental break down, cried, a lot just so you know, and then had one of the best days I’ve ever had. I skipped school, I went to the mall and I had a date with Tanner, who is now my boyfriend,” I said.

“Tanner who will be driving to and from school if you won’t or don’t want to anymore. Tanner whom I really hope doesn’t have a girlfriend he is currently forgetting to mention at the moment. Tanner who is my boyfriend,” I sighed.

“Lane,” Connor mumbled, looking at the floor.

“I’m not telling you this to hurt you Connor; I’m just telling you how things are now. I honestly hope, you’ll still be my friend, best friend. Not now, because I’m hurting and I’m sure you are too, but later. I know we really don’t have anything to ask of each other now, but if you would still like to talk to me, I would still like to talk to you too I think,” I finished. “You can talk now,” I mumbled after a moment of silence.

“I think you really have said everything,” he finally said a couple minutes of awkward silence later.

I nodded slowly avoiding his eyes.

“I didn’t want to hurt you, you were… are, someone I care so deeply about. I’m sorry it turned out this way for us. I’ve had many years to learn and I’m still messing everything up,” he mumbled.

“Connor, I- I’m,” I tried to say something but everything got caught in my throat.

“No, you’re right I should have told you, remembered about Sicilia, and I didn’t. I didn’t remember her because I had you, I found someone who I saw a future with, but now my future with you is different… Now you’ll have Tanner in your arms and me at your side and that’s,” he took in a shaky unneeded breath. “That’s okay too. I messed up, I lost you as a girlfriend but I’ll keep you as a friend whenever you need me. Tanner is probably a safer choice anyways, he’s not all ‘Grr Argh,’” he finished, whipping at his face.

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