2- Meeting The Family

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“Hello, hello, hello,” a woman that looked no older than 30, with long, light brown hair and warm brown eyes, said stepping into the room. “I’m Stephenie Stepmin, but call me Stevie or Steph! You must be Lane, it’s so nice to meet you. Your father has told me all about you!” she said excitedly.

“Hello,” I half waved, not sure what to do.

“Well lets not waste time. I need to show you around the house, and get you situated, before me and my husband leave. Thank you for bringing her out Mr. Hendricks. My older son, Connor, will drive her home when he gets home tonight. So you are free to go if you would like,” she smiled pulling us both up.

“Um, sure. I’ll see you when you get home,” he smiled, gave me a hug and walked out the door.

“Okay, well here is the sitting room, further down the hall is one game room and one of the guest bathrooms. If you we go straight, you’ll get one of the living rooms and a kitchen. If we turn right, you’ll find a study room, library, theater room, another living room, and bathroom and stairs leading up stairs,” she stopped to make sure I understood, then continued, “The 2nd level is some guest rooms, my husband, Robert, and mine’s room, our study. The third level is Taylor and Tyler’s rooms, their bathroom and where family stay when they come over. The fourth floor is strictly Connor’s floor. There’s a swimming pool, game room, living room and his room. I wouldn’t go on that floor if I were you. Above that floor there’s an attic that we use for storage, feel free to dig in there when ever you like. It’s pretty fun,” she smiled looking like a little kid.

“Okay,” she continued, “Taylor and Tyler like cheeseburgers, pizza, Chinese and tacos but when in doubt order out. I’ll leave 20 dollars or so to make sure there’s dinner. But the chief will most likely cook the food anyway. Taylor needs to be in bed by 9:30, Tyler by 8:30. They need to have all homework done before bed and must take a bath. Other than that, they’re pretty good with just hanging out and watching TV,” she stopped walking and talking smiling. “Do you think you got it?” she asked.

“Sitting room, game room, bathroom, bed by 9:30 for Taylor, 8:30 for Tyler. Bath and homework before bed and don’t go on the fourth floor because it will anger your son. I think I got it all,” I  nodded.

“Good, now mine and Robert’s cell number’s are on the fridge if you need us. Connors is on there too, but….” she trailed off.

“Don’t bother him if I don’t have to?” I finished.

“Exactly! Now Robert and the kids should be here any minute is there anything you’d like to share with me, or that I would need to know?” she asked leaning against the door.

Oh God, she’s staring into my soul! It’s like first grade all over again. Don’t throw up, don’t throw up!

“Um, not that I can think of. But if it happens, I’ll let you know,” I smiled.

“Okay. Oh, here they are,” she practically jumped. For a mother of three she sure was hyper.

“Good afternoon, honey,” a tall, masculine, male said when the door opened. “How was your day?” he asked putting his brief case and jacket on a chair near the door and giving her a kiss on the cheek, which caused her to blush a light pink.

Awwwww, that’s cute!

“Good, and your’s?” she asked.

“Great. Oh, hello you must be the baby sitter, Lane, right?” he said when he saw me.

“Yes sir, that would be me,” I said sticking my hand out.

“Nice to meet you,” he said shaking my hand lightly.

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