18- For You, Always

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*Chapter 18.*

“Why does it look like cupid threw up in the school?” I wondered as I walked through the school halls. 

“Because tomorrow is Valentine’s Day!” Amy exclaimed.

“And?” I questioned.

“Don’t you ‘and’ me Ms. Hendricks, it’s Valentine’s Day, which means love, and cards and all the chocolate I can consume!” she cheered.

“Here, here!” Dillon shouted in agreement.

“Why are you both so happy, you’re both single?” I questioned.

“Because for the next two days people are going to be giving us cards and candy and trying to convince us to go out with them,” Dillon answered.

“And then we are going to get together and compare cards and candy and eat it all while we laugh at them,” Amy added.

“That’s awful!” I exclaimed, as we reached my locker.

“What’s awful?” Connor questioned.

“Dillon and Amy’s Valentine’s Day plans,” I answered, opening my locker.

“Ah,” he nodded as he continued to dig around in his locker.

“Ah, that’s all you can say?” I questioned, grabbing my first period books.

“Yes, ‘ah’ is all I will say, they’ve been doing it for the last three years, I’m not really surprised anymore,” he shrugged.

I struck out my lip, while closing my locker door. “You guys are just awful, playing with the hearts of the lonely school children. Brings a tear to my eye,” I mumbled.

“Oh, boo, they don’t have to give us stuff, and they know we don’t do couplely stuff, especially on V-Day,” Amy defended.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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