17- Sometimes, Just Sometimes, Mum's Know What to Say

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*Chapter 17!..... I meant to get this out on Mother's Day..... >.>"* 

 “Lane, sweetie, I think you and I need to talk,” my mother stated as she walked into my room.

I rolled onto my back and turned my head towards her. “What?” I mumbled.

“Lane, what’s wrong?” she asked, as she came and sat down by my feet.

“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong, why would something be wrong?” I grumbled.

“You’ve been acting off and you’re starting to worry me and your father,” she answered. “Now tell me is something wrong at school? Are you being picked on again?” she asked her eyes going wide with worry.

I thought over my crappy week of school. Of dating Connor, breaking up with Connor, dating Tanner and then having Connor rub Sicilia all over my face; of Tanner trying to be nice and understanding and me just being a dick, and Amy trying not to choose between Connor and I and ending up with Connor more than me.

“No mum, I’m not being picked on again. It’s, it’s just been a hard week,” I sighed.

“Hmm,” she hummed, before slapping my leg. “Okay, get up we’re going out and you’re going to tell me about this hell week,” she nodded standing up from my bed.

“No, mum I don’t even want to leave my bed ever this weekend,” I argued, grabbing my blankets tightly.

“Nope, we’re going out for shakes and burgers, let’s go,” she said grabbing my blanket and ripping it off me. “Up and at em Missy-Poo.”

“Ugh, Mother!” I groaned rolling onto my stomach.

“We’re leaving in ten minutes Lane, and if you’re not in the car by then I’m dumping a bucket of water on you,” she stated as she walked out of my room.

“How is forcing me up and threatening me with buckets of water supposed to make my hell week better!?” I yelled after her.

She simply laughed and didn’t answer.

“Ugh,” I groaned, flopping around my bed, until I found the will to leave my bed and get dressed.

I was down stairs ten minutes later in a pair of sweat pants, flats and knit sweater. My hair pulled messily out of my face with a clip and no makeup on at all.

“There you are!” mum smiled and laughed. “Boy do you look ready to be seen in public.”

“Shush, you’re making me leave the house, your punishment is being seen with me this ugly,” answered.

“Fine, fine, I’ll deal with you looking like a hobo and you’ll deal with me singing Ed Sheeran in the car,” she joked, grabbing her purse and walking towards the door. “Come on hobbit.”

I stuck my tongue out at her back and followed after.

Despite her threat, my mother stayed quiet the whole ride to the café and didn’t start grilling me until after we had ordered our burgers and shakes.

“So, tell me what’s happened,” she demanded.

I sighed. “I just wouldn’t even know where to start really,” I answered.

“The beginning is good,” she joked.

I bit my lip trying to think.

“Lane, come on, I’m your mum you can tell me what’s bothering you,” she encouraged.

“Connor kissed me on Christmas Eve,” I blurted out.

“Oh, well… I wasn’t expecting that,” she mumbled looking bug eyed. “That was you’re first kiss, and you didn’t think to tell me?” she questioned a moment later, looking offended.

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