3- The Hell In High School

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“LANE!! GET DOWN STAIRS YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!” my fathers bombing voice yelled from the bottom of the stairs, causing me to jump and fall out of bed.

“Son-of-a-Owy. I’ll be down in a minute!” I yelled, sitting up and shaking my head.

Standing up I walked to my closet and grabbed the first thing my hands touched; a black v-neck shirt and orange skinny jeans. Throwing them on, I put on some socks and slid on my converse. Walking like a sloth to the bathroom, I ran a brush threw my hair, and mentally thanked god for have naturally straight hair. Quickly, I brushed my teeth, then put on some eyeliner and orange eye shadow. Clipping a bow in my hair I went back into my room and grabbed my hoody and backpack, then walked down stairs.

“Took you long enough, good lord,” my dad exclaimed, smiling a little bit.

Glancing at the clock I laughed, “Dad it took me 15 minutes.”  This was one of my more, speedier mornings.

“For-ev-er!” he exclaimed, braking down the word.

“Whatever dad,” I laughed, kissing my him on the forehead. I grabbed an apple, threw a goodbye over my shoulder, then ran out the door. I didn’t stop until I reached the bus stop.

Nibbling on my apple I hummed, an apple a day, to myself. After a couple minutes of waiting, the big yellow limo was here and me along with 6 other kids piled in. I hurried to the very back seat, my seat. Sitting down I pulled out my ipod and blasted my music, while I waited the 20 minutes it took to get to school.

At school I waited until everyone was off the bus, to get off. Nodding at Glenn, the bus driver, as I did so. Once off the bus, I walked as fast as humanly possible to the front entrance, hoping and praying to any God listening, that I wouldn’t be noticed… I guess I didn’t pray hard enough.

“Yo, freak! What’s your hurry?” some want to be gangster questioned.

Pretending I didn’t hear him, I continued to walk forward.

“Yo, I was talking to you,” the voice said closer, before grabbing my shoulder and turning me around. “What’s your hurry freak?” he questioned.

“No hurry, just wanted to get to class,” I answered.

“Really? So you’re a freak and a nerd?” he questioned.

“Guess so,” I shrugged.

“Hm, do you know what I do with girls like you?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“Rape them?” I mumbled to myself.

“What was that?” he asked tightening his grip on my shoulder.

“I don’t know. What do you do?” I asked faking curiosity.

He laughed, before motioning for two of his friends, a guy and a girl, to come forward. Smiling they walked to us, they took one of my arms each and drug me to the bull statue in front of the school.

They stopped, only to look and make sure there wasn’t any teachers, before grabbing all my stuff and throwing it a crossed the walk way. Then they continued to take everything but my boxers and work out bra off, before stringing me up on one of the bull’s horns. Laughing at their work, they snapped a few pictures for Facebook, then walked off to their classes, leaving me to hang there.

Great, just fucking great….. Where the hell did they get this rope? It’s friggen itchy!!!

For twenty minutes I hung there, talking to myself and trying to get free. Twenty minutes was what it took for Mr. Jefferson, who was now my favorite teacher, to come out and find me.  I was suddenly happy he liked to smoke so much. After trying to get me down himself, he finally decided to call the fire department for help. Sadly that meant the police and ambulance also came, which meant my father and mother were informed about the incident.

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