13- Christmas Tinsel and Mistletoe.

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*OKay heres chapter 13!!! Whoop whoop, it's my little Christmas special-thingy. Even if it is a few days later than I would have liked! Okay, enjoy this fuffy chapter of fluff!*

The next couple of weeks were kind of tense but soon enough we were back to our regular selves and routines. Before I knew it, it was December 24, and had realized that we had not decorated the Stepmin’s house for the occasion at all. Which came to this, a mad scramble to decorate before Robert and Stephenie came back from shopping and before Christmas itself?

“Christmas, Christmas. Tomorrow is Christmas! Deck the halls with all the jolly falalala lalalala!!!" Tyler sang running through her house and throwing tinsel everywhere.

“Ty! Stop throwing that!" I chuckled picking up some of the tinsel.

“Never!" she exclaimed laughing throwing more decorations on the ground.

“Tyler." I shook my head, running and grabbing the little girl. "Your parents are never going to let me help on holidays if I let you destroy the house!" I exclaimed spinning her around.

“Please, my parents love you. The world will end before they let you not come over," Connor chuckled dropping a box of Christmas decorations on the ground, Taylor behind him followed suit.

I stuck my tongue out at him and set Tyler down. "Did you find the tree ornaments?" I asked.

“Yup everything," he said pointing down to the boxes.

“Okey dokey then, bring them to the living room and let's get this tree decorated!"

They nodded and picked the boxes back up and walked to the living room. Grabbing Tyler’s hand I twirled the little girl and walked behind the boys.

“So how are we going to do this?" Connor asked setting the box next to the bare tree.

“Very carefully," I answered, smiling as Connor rolled his eyes.

“Weirdo,” he mumbled.

I laughed, “Why don’t we just see what we have to work with, hm,” I said opening the boxes up.

I made a face of disgust. “This is the decorations?” I questioned, looking at the old pieces.

“I guess it’s been a while since we actually set up a tree by ourselves,” Connor confessed, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

“Yeah, usually Tony picks one out that is already decorated and just sits it up in the house,” Taylor added.

“Well, that’s just sad!” I exclaimed, looking at the three in front of me, “Half the fun of Christmas is picking out the perfect tree, decorating it with the ones you love and then sitting in front of it with eggnog and a book!”

“We’ve had a sheltered life,” Connor said sarcastically.

“Indeed you have!” I exclaimed, looking back down at the gross ornaments.

These would not do…

“Tyler, Taylor, go into the arts and craft drawer and bring back everything. Markers, paper, everything. Also go to the kitchen and ask Jacque for all the Christmas cookie cutters, okay?” I said, smiling as they nodded and scrambled out of the room.

“What are you plotting?” Connor asked, squatting to my level.

“Plotting implies something bad, I’m planning,” I smiled, reaching into the box and pulling out the decorations. “Now make yourself useful and help me pick out the ornaments that are still useable.”

Chuckling he sat Indian style next to me and started going through a different box.

A couple minutes later, Tyler, Taylor and with the help of Jacque, had brought everything but the art room itself into the living room. Thanking Jacque, I started to explain my “plot” to them.

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