12- Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

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*So so sooooo sorry this chapter is soo fricking late! I lost internet and was unable to use my laptop and then I had Ms. Haley, (Which I didn't really mind at all) over and just blahhhhh! SO here is chapter twelve and Merry Belated Christmas!*

“What?” I asked again, thinking I must have heard him wrong.

“We’re vampires,” he repeated in a whisper.

“Are you drunk?” I question, looking between the two.

“No!” Amy exclaimed, shooting dirty looks to the people who stopped to stare at us from her outburst.

“Are you sure, because I heard vampires and vampires don’t exist,” I stated slowly, calmly.

“Lane?” Connor questioned, quietly.

“I mean you’d have to be drunk to think that right? Or high maybe, have you smoked weed today?” I asked, looking between the two.

“No, we have not, not that it would really affect us if we had. We have higher tolerances,” Amy kind of mumbled to herself.

“Vampires,” I mumbled to myself looking at them crazily.

“This is why we wanted to talk to you at my house Lane,” Connor explained, quietly,

“Why? So if I didn’t take it well you could kill me without witnesses?” I snapped, glaring at him.

“What? No! How could you even think that!” he demanded, glaring at me.

“Sorry, I guess my vampire preference is 30 Days of Nights more than Twilight!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

“I can’t believe you,” he snapped. “You you really think I would spend my time defending you from some waste of space asshat only to eat you minutes later!”

“I don’t know, Connor. I guess I don’t really know you at all,” I mumbled, shaking my head.

“Oh, sorry I don’t start all my conversations with, ‘My names Connor, I’m a vampire, want to get lunch?’!” he growled. “I would be locked up or people would think I’m a stoner alcoholic like you so kindly suggested.”

“Well maybe you just shouldn’t have befriended me at all!” I snapped back.

“Like that would have been possible, you’re always around, my house, with my friends. I can’t get rid of you!” he snapped back.

“Oh, I’m sorry for my ever present presence,” I glared. “It’s not like you’re really a ball of sunshine to be around, either!”

He scoffed and opened his mouth to retort.

“Connor, Lane!” Amy interrupted. “Stop fighting and come with me,” she said grabbing our arms and dragging us through the mall.

“Hey! Let me go where in the hell are you taking me?” I demanded, trying to pull my arm free.

“We are going to the Stepmin’s house where we can calmly and collectively talk about this like the adults or young adults that we are,” she ground out firmly.

“NO! Amy, I don’t want to go anywhere with you guys!” I exclaimed, struggling to get free more. “Let me go!”

“No. this is not something that you leave unresolved. You are coming home with us so you can understand everything and then if you still want nothing to do with us, we will drive you home and not bother you anymore,” Amy stated, dragging us to the car once we were outside the mall and unlocking it.

“Now, the both of you get in the car,” she said.

She growled when she realized we weren’t going to move. “Now,” she growled again, opening the passenger front and back doors and then walking to the driver’s side.

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