14- New Year, New Start.

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*Woo, chapter fourteen! How sweet is this?? Okay so now with the big secret out, this is probably going to go to extreme teen fiction now! Whoop! Also, sorry DOL fans for taking so long on my updating, I know, I am a Jack-in-the-box! Anyways onward to chapter fourteen! *WOOSH** 

 Christmas and New Years were crazy fun, but like every good thing it had to come to an end, and before I knew it, it was January and school had started back up.

“Lane!” Amy shouted, as she sprinted just a tad too fast to my locker.

“Good morning, Amy. How are you?” I laughed, as she panted in front of me.

“I am great, it’s a new year, my hair is blonder and I get to see my best friend again,” she smiled, pulling me into a tight hug.

“I missed you too,” I laughed, hugging her back. “I see you had fun in Spain.” I noted.

“Oh my god, yes!” she laughed, pulling away from me. “I would have had more fun had you come with me though,” she frowned.

“I don’t know how I would have explained that to my parents,” I laughed. “Besides, I had a pretty amazing Christmas break here,” I smiled.

“Ah, yes. How is the fabulous Connor?” she questioned, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Last I saw well, and then New Years came and the Stepmin’s went to New York and I haven’t talked to Connor since,” is sighed, turning back towards my locker.

“Wait haven’t talked to him since before New Year’s… How did you get to school this morning?” she questioned, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear.

“Dillon came and picked me up. Talk about an awkward first meeting, I thought my dad was going to pop with how Dillon talked this morning,” I laughed fondly, and then sighed again.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Amy smiled. “Mrs. and Mr. S are both just really strict about family bonding time when they visit New York. I’m sure we’ll see Connor today and he’ll leap into your arms,” she joked.

I rolled my eyes at her, shutting my locker and then threw and arm over her shoulders. “Yes, I’m sure that’s exactly what’s going to happen,” I replied sarcastically.

“You just watch Missy, it’s happening,” she smiled, as we started towards our first period class.

“Good morning, Lane, Amy,” Jimmy greeted us once we reached our class.

“Good Morning Jimmy,” I smiled, giving him a quick hug.

“How are you?’ he questioned after he let go of Amy.

“Pretty good,” I smiled. “Glad to be back in school to be honest. How about you?” I questioned as I sat in my seat.

“Pretty good,” he mocked, sitting next to me. “Tired but good.”

“Why are you tired,” Amy questioned, wiggling her eye brows.

“I stayed up late last night with Harper,” he shrugged.

“Ah, how is Harper?” Amy asked, sitting next to me.

“Large and needy,” he replied with a sigh.

“Ew,” I gagged.

“God sweety, you’re so nice sometimes I forget you’re a man-whore,” she laughed, fluffing his hair.

“Hardy-har,” I mumbled rolling his eyes. “Anyways taking the light off me, how are you Lane?” he questioned.

“Good,” I laughed.

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