6- A Good School Day

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With trig finished, we headed to our next classes, Dillon and Connor heading to Gym and Amy, Jimmy and Tanner heading to Psych with me. Dillon wishfully said sayonara to me, in a very dramatic fashion, and was drug down the hall by an annoyed Connor.

Once we reached the class room and my paper was signed, we sat down in the back of the room. Tanner took the spot in the corner, followed by Amy, then me, finished by a Cheshire like Jimmy, who from the moment Tanner came into the room in first period had been smiling at me.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

“Like what?” he questioned.

“Like you witnessed me murdering someone, but your wanting to black mail me so you’re just sitting like a creep in the corner, walking out at random times until it is safe to make you move and get what you want!” I exclaimed all in one breathe.

“Wow, I didn’t know you could talk that much,” he stared.

“Why are you staring at me?” I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Tanner’s very attractive isn’t he?” he said off handily in a soft voice.


“Nearly everyone, girls and boys, likes him. Good grades, good money, good looks. He definitely has the three G’s,” he continued.

“What?” I asked confused.

Where is he going with this?

“So I definitely support your lusting after him,” he smiled, dusting imaginary dirt of his shoulder.

Once again I just said, “What?”

“Well, obviously you like him. You turned into jello when you saw him. So if you need help bagging him, I’m here.”

“What?….. Even if I did like him, which I don’t! would now really be the best time to discuss it? Ya know, with him less than four feet away?” I demanded, in an angry whisper.

“I suppose not,” he frowned rubbing his face, “Amy, can I go shopping with you guys after school?” he asked.

“Sure! You can teach Lane the ways of shopping with me!” Amy said, giving me a knowing smile as well.

“Great it’s settled then. Well finish this discussion tonight,” he said, facing the teacher.

“I-I- What?” I asked looking at Amy, but she too was now facing the teacher.

What just happened? Why do I have the feeling tonight I’m going to be attacked?

Looking away from Amy I quickly looked at Tanner, but faced the front quickly when I realized he was staring at me first.

Sitting as straight and normal as possible I tried to focus on the teacher, but every once in a while I would slip from my charade of cool and glance at Tanner, only to quickly turn towards a smirking Amy or Jimmy afterwards.

The classes after that, were pretty fun. I was back with Dillon, and it’s like no matter what he’s doing, he can make you laugh.

When lunch rolled around after art, I was ready to eat anything as long as it filled me.

“Jesus Christ Lane, slow down. The foods not going anywhere,” Dillon laughed, as I all but dragged him and Jimmy to the cafeteria.

“I’m hungry. I need to be feed. Hurry up!” I demanded, pulling harder.

Amy laughed from beside me, amusement dancing in her eyes.

“Lane, if you keep pulling like that, I think you might rip their arms off,” she stated.

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