1- The Ride There

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“Dad, I don’t know why you got me a job. And baby sitting nonetheless. I HATE kids. Kids HATE me! End of story, period, exclamation point,” I said to my father, David, who was driving me to my new job at the Stepmin’s home.

“Laney, I just think it’s time you get a job. Learn how to take care of yourself and other people,” he said sighing.

We have had this conversation a lot this past week. Me telling him I would drown the children and him telling me it would be good for my character or some shit like that.

“Dad, I already know how to take care of myself. I’ve been beating up boys since I was like, four years old!!!” I argued. It was true, I’ve been kicking ass since I was in preschool.

“Lane Samantha Hendricks, it’s already been decided! You are going to baby sit Taylor and Tyler Stepmin everyday after school and that’s final!” he yelled gripping the steering wheel tighter.

“Fine. You don’t need to get all pissy about it and use my full name,” I mumbled, slouching in my chair like a five year old.

He just grumbled something under his breath and turned the radio louder, right as Highway to Hell by AC/DC started playing.

“How appropriate,” I said to myself, glaring out the window.

“Zip it,” my father snapped pressing the gas down a little harder.

Well, someone is excited to get rid of me!

“Now when we get there you are going to be-”

“Respectful, nice and kind which means respectful. Polite, not a smart ass and will not, under any circumstances; hit, kick, punch, poison or drowned their children. I know dad, I know!” I finished, shaking my head and glaring at my father.

“I just don’t want to get sued. We don’t have that kind of money,” he sighed sadly.

Grrrrrreaaaaatt, now I feel guilty. I know we’re low on cash and that this is one way I can not be a burden, but I really don’t like kids. Their smelly, sticky, noisy and any other words ending in y there is!

“Don’t worry dad, I promise I wont kill anyone…. For now! Muhahaha!” I said, throwing in the evil villain laugh, trying to soften him up. Thankfully, it worked and he started to laugh as well.

“Okay, good, because we’re here,” he said pulling down a paved drive way.

“Ho-ly sh-it,” I said breaking down the words. The house-castle-mansion-thing was monstrous. It was at least 8 times the size of my house, maybe more. It stood at 4 and a half stories tall and was a light off-white-cream color. Each level had a wrap-around deck that was held up by columns. Next to the house was a five stall garage, that was the same off-white-cream color as the house. Along the driveway was bushes of every way, shape, size and texture. Some had flowers blowing largely, others were empty, but were still beautiful. This place looked as if it was an escapee of a better homes and garden magazine.

I was suddenly nervous to go into this place. I looked like a girl that just stepped out of a scary movie set. Black, ripped pants with red paint splatter on then. Ripped vampire shirt that said, “One bite is never enough” and a green witch hat head-band, I got for Halloween a couple days ago. My make up consisted of chap stick, a thick line of eyeliner on my bottom lid and red eye shadow that almost touched my eyebrow. 

Oh, God. I look like a freak and these people are going to throw Holy Water on me!!! Then try to cast demons out of me!!!! Oh, God, oh God, oh God!!!!

“Laney, sweetie are you okay?” my father asked shaking me lightly and snapping me out of my panic attack.

“What? Oh ya, I’m fine. Just spaced for a minute! Ha-ha. Lets go,” I said, realizing we were just sitting out side of their house, and jumped out of the car.

“Okay,” my father said stepping out of the car as well, then heading toward their front door. “You coming?” he asked seeing that I hadn’t moved an inch from the car.

“Yup,” I faked a smile, forcing my legs to move forward and stopped next to my dad, as he rang the door bell.

“Hello,” an older looking man with grey-black hair answered the door, “You must be Mr. Hendricks and his daughter Lane. Mrs. Stepmin will be with you in a minute. You can wait in the sitting room if you would like,” he smiled moving out of the door way and heading straight forward.

“Would you like some coffee? Pop?” he asked when we reached a room on the far left of the hallway we had just walked through. This room was just as pretty as the outside was. It had cream couches, rockers and lazy boy chairs with a fire place that was lit and some random book shelves against a back wall.

“Um, sure, black,” my father answered sitting on one of the three couches.

“Ma’am?” he asked turning toward me.

“Um, yes thank you. Anything is fine,” I answered awkwardly, sitting next to my father.

“Right away,” he said disappearing in the way we came from.

“Weird,” my dad and I said at the same time, sitting at the very end of the seat.

“Here you go ma’am, Mnt. Dew for you and Black coffee for the Sir,” he said popping up out of no where, and causing me to jump, shriek and land on the floor, with a loud thud. “I’m terribly sorry ma’am,” he said helping me to my feet.

“It’s alright, um?” I said, stopping when I realized I didn’t know his name.

“Anthony, or Tony. Which ever you prefer,” he supplied smiling.

“Which do you prefer?” I asked taking a seat on the couch again.

“Tony,” he answered nodding his head.

“Then Tony it shall be!” I said shooting my finger to the ceiling and wiggling it a little bit.

“Great,” he laughed a little, “Mrs. Stepmin should be here any minute. Have a nice stay here, Ma’am, Sir,” he smiling turning away.

“Um, Tony?” I called after him.

“Yes ma’am?” he asked pausing and turning around.

“Please call me Lane. Ma’am makes me feel really old,” I smiled.

“You got it Lane,” he smiled walking away.

“Well, look at that, your first friend,” my dad laughed, taking a sip of his coffee.

“Oh, shut up,” I grumbled.

It was silent for a couple minutes after that, then I heard the clicking of heels coming from down the hallway.

This is it. I thought, sitting up straighter.


sorry it's so short!!! <3

FYI. to the side... and up, is a picture of our lovely main character Lane!!


The Diary Of LaneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon