11- Secret, Can You Keep It?

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*So here's chapter 11. I'm sad I couldn't update Friday night or Saturday because I had a friend over! And it would have been out earlier today, but, uh, I kind-of started watching Sterek videos on Youtube and got destracted... Oh well, this is the chapter I've been waiting for, because my lovely twist/secret/thing-a-ma-gig, is going to be revealed!!! MUHAHAHAHA. *Cough* Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! PEACE!*


 With my new out look on life, things seemed to be looking up for me. I was constantly with one of my friends and as annoying as that might be for some people, it was actually a refreshing change in my life to have people around. I had a consistence in my life. Go to school, go to the Stepmin’s, watch Tyler and Taylor every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and go over to Amy’s or Jimmy’s the rest of the weekend. Another consistence in my life become Connor. Because of the babysitting my late nights were suddenly filled with Connor, which was a pleasant, if not a little strange, consistent.

The next two weeks of my life had become harmonious, and lovely. But because life just likes to fuck everyone hard in the backend, my harmonious life started to crash.

First, on Monday, Connor had to miss school for some reason or another, therefore my mother had to drive me to school. I had woken up late that morning and forgot about my uniform. And because Calson Prep being the soul crushing conformists kind of private school, I got sent to the head masters office for being late and “improperly” dressed. After a thirty minute lecture on “proper” school clothes protocol, I was sent on my way to class with a yellow warning sheet.

Tuesday, was not much better, I stayed up to late working on a Myths and Legends project and feel asleep gluing things onto a poster. Waking up again I didn’t notice the rug chuck that got glued to my hair until it was to late to do anything. So I got to spend the rest of Tuesday with  a chunk of rug in my hair until I got home and was able to get it out.

Wednesday, in art class I managed to spill paint on both myself, my art project, and the kids art project who was sitting a crossed from me; managing to lose two weeks of work and ruining a uniform in one clumsy act. An act which meant I had to go to the head masters office and ask for another uniform until I could clean that one. And receive a red warning for not behaving in art class and ruining another kids projects. Like I did that on purpose.

Well Wednesday turned to Thursday and with the week I was having I new it wasn’t going to be a good day. True to my thoughts the day was not a good one. My Psychology teacher had some mid-life crisis and class was canceled, so we were forced to go to the class next door until next period. The class next to mine happened to be chemistry and it happened to be chemical day. Lets just say emergency chemical showers are just about as fun as they sound, especially when you have to do it in front of three friends and a class of inappropriate teenage boys.

Friday, I hope would be my safe day, it being the end of the week and all, and it seemed like it would be. I had woken up early and showered, had nice hair and a nice breakfast before Connor came to get me. The surprise test we had in Trig was not really a surprise so I aced it with flying scores and because I had brought my art project home and worked on it I was almost re-caught up.

Yes the day was looking up, until of course the world had to prove me oh so wrong.

After babysitting, Connor, Amy and I decided to go to the mall, to hang out and get some food, and that’s where the trouble started.

“I don’t care what you say Amy, I’m not getting my ears pierced, there’s not enough money in the world!” Connor exclaimed, glaring at his friend.

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