Chapter 3: Joy Joy Land

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Once Wendy went through the portal, she was greeted with the old dark hallway with red lights. But there are cameras on both sides of the wall. 'Use your vanish ability. This is where it's helpful.', Bierce said through Wendy's head. Wendy used her ability and walked pass the cameras. Then, she was no longer invisible. 'Only use it when you see there are cameras. Or even use it on that damned rabbit so that he wouldn't see you while running away...' Bierce said again, but muttering the last sentence. "You mean the rabbit I saw as a symbol on the portal? Why..?" Wendy asked in worry and at the same time, in curiosity. 'You'll see, but I must warn you now. The way they hunt every mortal down who dares enter their realm is through the cameras, which is connected to them.' , Bierce replied with the warning. Wendy gulped at the thought that there might be cameras all over the theme park. She sighed, ready to face whoever she must face. "Alright, thanks for the warning Bierce..", Wendy mumbled, as she started walking to the door, where she'll be teleported again.

The portal opened and Wendy landed on her feet safely. She looked up. The sign of the Joy Joy Land shone bright. It was blue and 3 characters were on the sign. A chicken, a yellow rabbit, and a pig. The background of the sign was a castle with 3 towers and flags. 'Well, this isn't scary as a I thought it would be...well from the outside it is..', Wendy thought. She stopped looking at the sign and looked at the theme park building. It was huge. It was half the size of the Disneyland castle. The gate was a bit bigger than her though. Wendy was overwhelmed by this. She walked to the front of the gate, as she calmed herself. Wendy was about to open the gate, when the gate itself automatically opened inwards with a creak. She walked in and was greeted by  a fog, which it isn't that heavy so, she can still see a bit. Then the theme song of Joy Joy Gang started booming through the speakers at the entrance of the theme park, which Wendy got startled easily.

' Oh me, oh my, and oh boy!
It's time to meet the Joy Joy Gang,
Who put's a smile on everybody's face!
Just open up your eyes and imagine your surprise,
That this is everybody's happy place!'

Then, the speakers stopped, and the gates slammed shut. Wendy was startled by the gate slamming. 'Fuck this I'm out.' , She thought and ran back to the gate, trying to open it. But it won't budge. So, she turned back and sighed. 'Fuck. My. Life.', Wendy swore in her mind. The soul shards appeared in front of her. Wendy started collecting them. It was eerily silent in the theme park. Nothing can be heard but her footsteps and the soul shard she was collecting.

Meanwhile, 3 mascots are in the kitchen. One was a yellow bunny with a purple bow tie named Lucky, one was a chicken named Penny, and one was a pig named Hangry, whose wearing an 'I LOVE RIBS' t-shirt, which 'love' is a heart symbol. They're known as the 'Joy Joy Gang'.

The Joy Joy Gang was eating human parts and drank blood. While they were eating, Lucky, whose a sadistic psychopath, said to his teammates, "We need to be fuckin' better than anyone else in the nightmare realm! We need a better plan.". "Why boss? We were doing just fine-" Hangry, whose very aggressive when he's hungry, calmly said. But he was soon was cut off by Lucky, who slammed his fists on the table, stood up and yelled, "Fine? FINE!? It wasn't fine, ya fat piece of shit! Malak is countin' on us to not fail like the others and ya think this is 'fine'!?". Penny, whose a yandere and a simp for Lucky, calmed both of them and said, "Fellas, c-calm the heck d-down!". Lucky glared at Hangry and soon sat down. Penny put a hand on Lucky's shoulder, but he slapped her hand away, glared at her and said, "Don't ya fuckin'  touch me, ya slut!". Penny was a bit hurt of this and nodded. I mean, Lucky was always like this to his teammates. Not a sadist to his teammates but a rude and abusive type to them. It was in his program. No one can blame him for it. Hangry muttered, "Sorry...". Lucky didn't give a damn about Hangry's apology. Soon, they heard the 'Joy Joy Ditty' song and the gates slamming shut. They all perked and Lucky started smirking as he stood up and said, "Looks like we've got ourselves a human.~".

Everyone can change...even psychopaths/ A Dark Deception Fanfiction (Lucky x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now