Chapter 15: Change (Finale)

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It was silent. Peaceful even. Wendy was laying on her own bed comfortably. She shifted and soon got up, rubbing her eyes. She looked around tiredly and realised...she was back home, in her bedroom. 'Was it a dream...? can't be, something's not right...', she thought. She got up from her bed. As her feet touched the wooden floor, it felt too real. She walked around and opened then opened the curtains. It was a sunny day outside and the neighbourhood was just perfectly fine. Joggers jogging, some taking their dogs on a walk, some just chitchatted with their friends. Wendy was perplexed by this. Heck, she was in her pyjamas too. She ran out of her room and ran downstairs. She still live with her family before her soul was trapped in hell with Bierce. She expected her family to be here, but no one was there. The house was empty. She kept looking around. She went to the kitchen and still, silence. Not a single soul is in the house. Her stomach growled. She was hungry. She opened the fridge and a bad scent came out of it, almost making Wendy gag. Her eyes widened at the sight. Dismembered body parts are in the fridge as it filled the fridge with blood. She quickly closed the fridge and backed away, her tears running down her cheeks. "What the hell !?", she screamed in fear. She saw the telephone on the kitchen counter as she swiftly grabbed and started dialling the police. But there was no signal as bugs started crawling out of the holes of the phone. She screamed and wanted to get out the house, but the was locked and she couldn't get out. "SOMEBODY HELP ME, PLEASE!", she yelled as she started sobbing. The walls of her family home started bleeding out. Pictures of her parents, relatives and even her younger self started to become distorted and morphed. Wendy started panicking as the sky outside turned into darkness, with a bloody red moon. Everything and black. Wendy started crying at the scene as she watches everything happened. She didn't want this. She never wanted this to happen. She sat on the floor in defeat, letting the blood and darkness consume her. Suddenly, an arm came out of the floor boards and grabbed her leg. She started screaming and trying to get out, but no use. A lot of arms appeared as they grabbed her dragged her down the flooded floor with blood.
Wendy sat up quickly, panting as she was sweating with cold sweat. She looked around. She was in her bedroom in Joy Joy Land. She sighed in relief as her heart started pounding a bit slowly, meaning, she calmed down. 'What was that...?', she thought. Her dream was rather a bit morbid if you ask her. She was so deep in thought, that she didn't even notice the rabbit, in his human form, standing at the doorway then came in. "Hey...", Lucky greeted, putting a hand on her shoulder. Wendy snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up. "L-Lucky...", she muttered. "Listen. Thanks for helpin' back there...ya were very brave.", he said with a tiny smile. Not a fake one this time. "N-no problem...I just...", Wendy said with a sigh. "I just wanted to help...", she said looking away. Lucky nodded and just went silent, looking away as well. It was silent for the whole moment. "Well...if ya need me, I'll be on the roof...", he softly said, stood up and left her. Wendy watched him leave as she sighed. '...He...thanked me....I wonder what's going on...he used to be rude but now....he changed..? Something's up..', she thought, now wanting to know why he was so caring all of the sudden. And she will get the answer. She stood up from her bed, almost losing balance, but got it in the end. She decided to take it easy since her wound on the waist might have been a bit severe. She walked slowly out of her room and looked around. It was quiet. She started walking to the elevator and pressed the up button. She waited and waited until the elevator arrived. She headed in and looked at all the buttons. The one button was labelled 'Balcony'. She pressed it and the door closes. The elevator took her up and soon enough, she arrived at the floor. The doors opened and she immediately saw Lucky. His elbows touched the edge of the balcony as his hand was on his chin. He was smoking. Wendy took a deep breath and approached to him. "Hey.", she said. Lucky puffed a smoke and glanced at her. "Hey.", he replied. Wendy stood near him and looked at the view. "Like the view?", Lucky asked. Wendy silently nodded. "Yeah......Hey Lucky? I need to talk about with you something.", she said, not taking eyes off the view. Lucky stopped smoking and looked at her. The wind was making Wendy's hair sway in the breeze. Wendy soon looked at him. "Why...are you being so nice to me all of the sudden...?", Wendy asked. Lucky's ears went down and quickly looked away. "Not like it or somethin'?", Lucky asked a bit rudely. "W-wha..? I mean it's ok to be nice and was just....I don't know! It feels like you have a reason why you were so nice to used to be ruthless, rude and whatnot..", Wendy replied with a sigh. Lucky was silent. He glanced at her from time to time and sighed. "I....just have to...ya know..", he finally said. Wendy was a bit confused at what he just said. "Ever since the first time ya came here...there is this feelin' where I...don't want to hurt ya...I always shrugged it off and continued to chase ya. Wanting to hurt ya even...but somehow, I couldn't. I was somehow....scared of doing that.", he explained. Wendy was a bit shock at his words. Lucky continued, "Then at some point...I realised I....have this one feeling in me that kept preventin' me from killin' ya....and I don't like it ' scares me...". Lucky's face went dark as he said those words, but his face became red like a tomato. Wendy started thinking about what he was feeling. Then, it hit her. She blushed light pink, her eyes widened in shock. " me....?", she asked quietly. Lucky kept silent as his face went more red. "I-I told ya.....I-I don't like it.", Lucky said firmly. "Why......?", Wendy asked. "I mean...I'm a psychopath for Malak's sake! Why would even anyone want to love a psychopath...? I mean, there is Penny but...she's programmed to be like that...if she isn't programmed to be like that, she must've hate me for being rude. Even Hangry...", Lucky said as tears poured out of his eyes. He started sobbing. Wendy felt bad for Lucky. She has never seen him like this. She quickly hugged him. "'s alright...I'm here...I will never hate you and that is a promise.", Wendy said. Lucky was a bit shaken up at the hug and soon hugged back. "I......thanks......but I'm afraid to love ya..ya know..", Lucky sniffed as he said those words. "I mean...what if my program suddenly got haywire that I could've killed ya...? I don't want to lose ya...", he whispered to her as Wendy sighed. "Don't worry, I won't let you kill me if that ever happens. Plus, the others are there to just probably tie you up and fix you so....", Wendy replied, trying to cheer him up with a bit of a joke. Lucky pulled away as he sniffed and wiped his tears away. "Very funny...", Lucky said a bit sarcastically. Wendy chuckled. Wendy held his hand as she looked at him in the eyes. "Everyone can change whether it's in their program or not....even psychopaths.", she said softly.

Everyone can change...even psychopaths/ A Dark Deception Fanfiction (Lucky x Oc)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum