Chapter 13: Training

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Wendy and the four animatronics soon arrived outside of the factory. Wendy looked at building and remembered the clones who tried to kill her. She shivered in fear at that memory, which probably scarred her. Pen noticed Wendy shiver and asked, "Are you ok? Cold?". Wendy perked and nodded her head. "Y-yeah, I'm fine.....just remembered the events that happened know?", she replied. Pen nodded in understanding, as Penny and Hangry listened to the two. Lucky headed in and the others soon followed. The clones weren't activated anymore. They stood on their usual place, lined up and head hung low. Lucky looked around silently, searching for the lift. He soon found it and went over to it and pressed the button. He turned into his human form, since they can't fit in the lift for being huge animatronics. Hangry soon did too turn into human and stood beside Lucky, same goes to Penny as well. Pen decided to stay with Wendy, which they stood behind the Joy Joy Gang. The reason was that Wendy isn't yet too comfortable with the three animatronics in front of her. She was afraid and nervous around them. Nervous and afraid to do one small wrong move around them. Pen noticed her expression and put an arm around her waist. "Hey, calm down...everything's going to be okay!", she said quietly with a reassuring smile. Wendy looked at her and smiled a bit. The lift arrived, making a 'ding' noise and opened its door. The Joy Joy Gang headed inside and Pen and Wendy followed. Lucky pressed the lowest floor button and the door closed.

The lift go down in an average speed. However, the lift might reach the lowest floor in a few minutes. So, they waited. It was an awkward ride down, really. Hangry avoided everyone and just looked at the level buttons in the lift, Penny was nervous and a blushing mess that Lucky's beside her but avoided looking at him, Pen felt awkward, since they're crammed a bit in the lift, Wendy was also awkward like Pen, and Lucky was hating this situation. However, he glanced at Wendy from time to time. Penny noticed this and asked him, "Um, sir? A-are you ok...?". Lucky perked and glared at Penny. "What do ya fuckin' think? We're crammed for fuck sake!", he half yelled. Penny went silent and just sighed.

After a few minutes, the lift finally arrived to the lowest level of the factory. It once again made a 'ding' noise and opened its door. Pen and Wendy got out first, then the Joy Joy Gang. It was a hallway. No windows, signs etc.. At the the end of the hallway was a door with a sticker sign that says 'KEEP OUT'. Lucky headed first and led his teammates and Wendy to the door and opened it. He headed in, turning on the light switch and the others followed, Wendy beeing the last one as she shut the door. The place was big enough for the training. Spare parts in boxes are in the one corner of the room, dummies and targets for throwing or shooting are everywhere, and the boxes which are scattered here and there are filled with weapons. "Welcome to our training room! Even though we really don't need this, we use this room to exercise sometimes when we're bored.", Hangry said with glee. Wendy nodded and looked around. She went to one of the boxes and looked at the weapons. "...Where did you guys even get these weapons...?", Wendy asked, looking at each and one of it. The only things that are in the boxes are knives, chainsaws, axes and swords. "Well, Malak provided the weapons...which will now be useful in the training.", Penny said, her one hand on her waist. Lucky was setting up the target and wooden planks as Wendy nodded. Lucky looked over and stretched. "Let's get on with the trainin'.", he said.

Hangry volunteered to start as Lucky sighed and said, "Whatever.". He moved away and Hangry taught Wendy with karate, since Hangry's about strength. He got some good solid wood for Wendy to break, which Lucky has prepared, and Wendy failed a lot of times and in pain. "Maybe too hard...", he said with a sigh. "You can do it, Wendy!", Pen cheered. Lucky on the other hand, groaned. "This'll take foreva! Knew it she was too weak. I can't see why Malak let ya live!", he rudely said, crossing his arms. Wendy was in pain but she managed. She heard Lucky's insult, which made her pissed. Extremely pissed. "Did you just call me weak...?", she asked through gritted teeth. She was fuming. She doesn't like being insulted. "Yeah! So!?", Lucky half yelled, glaring at Wendy. Pen noticed how pissed Wendy was and was worried. "W-Wendy...? Calm down!", she said soon standing up and cautiously went to her. Hangry gulped and hid behind the wooden planks he's been holding. Wendy couldn't hold it anymore and looked at Hangry with the planks. "Sorry if it hurts..", she mumbled. That's the only nick of time that she calmed until she let her anger burst and punched the wooden planks, which has a lot of layers. It all broke and Hangry flew to the wall, hitting pretty much hard on it and groaned in pain. It cracked the wall. Penny, Pen and Lucky was shocked at this. Even Wendy. She never knew she had this much strength, which she questioned mentally if Malak has given her this ability. She snapped out of it and ran to to Hangry. "Hangry! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know!", Wendy apologized and helped Hangry up, who groaned in pain. "Y-yeah....I'm're so...strong..!", Hangry said and stretched which bones can be heard crack. "That feels better! Anyway...", Hangry said and soon looked at Wendy with a happy smile. "That was awesome!!", he enthusiastically said. Pen nodded and agreement, but said, "And mortal can do that hard! How...!?". "I don't k-know........I think Malak gave me the ability to have strength..without me realising it..Or it could be my hidden strength through anger.....", Wendy replied, looking at her hands. "Whoah.......", was all Penny can say. Lucky was dumbstruck.

Next, was Penny. Since Wendy can't fly since she's human, she taught her about aim and throw. They used the targets and small knives for the practice. This made Wendy have a flashback when she was alive and young with her dad. They always train on targets and throw some darts at it. She missed those moments. Missed being alive, with her family etc. Penny took notice of this and asked quietly, "You ok...?". Wendy snapped out of it and nodded. "Y-yeah.....I'm doing fine...just, memories..", Wendy replied and took deep breaths. Penny nodded, letting Wendy take her time. She used her memory of her dad teaching how it was done since it was the easier one and Penny's teachings with the knife. She aimed at it and throw it, which she hit bullseye. Penny smiled proudly as Pen clapped. 'First this!? How the fuck-!?', Lucky thought, for the first time in amazement as she stared at Wendy. Penny instructed to throw more and Wendy's pride for success took over and threw three knives at ones, which all hit a bullseye. "Wow! I'm impressed how'd you do it!?", Hangry asked in curiosity and amazement. "My dad used to teach me...", Wendy replied with a small smile. A forced one. She doesn't let her sadness show. She needed to be strong. Lucky snapped out of it and prevented his blush. He stood up. "Well, that's good I guess....since I can't fuckin' teach you anythin', well, you're good at runnin' and such....let's head out and test ye skills and what you learned and whatnot.", he said as he quickly headed out of the room, mentally facepalming on what he just said. The four was in shock on what he just said. "Did he just...compliment..?", Pen asked in surprise. "Y-yeah!....I mean not gonna lie, Wendy here was actually pretty good! No one can deny it!...But Lucky can......which maybe he's being nice probably..?", Hangry said. Penny shrugged still in shock as the four headed out of the room, and Lucky is waiting. He perked and pressed the button. The lift door opened as he headed in silently, avoiding eye contact to any of his teammates and Wendy. He felt something in him that is isn't familiar to him. He hated it. He hated what he's feeling right now. The other four went in and Hangry pressed the button to the factory. The lift closed as they headed up. The lift was silent, no one dared to say anything.

The lift made it to the factory level and opened the door. The five went out of there. Just as they got out, they heard the 'Joy Joy Ditty' playing and the gates slamming shut. Penny and Hangry perked and looked at Lucky. Lucky was deep in thought until he noticed that he's teammates are looking at him. He sighed and ordered all of the sudden dead serious, "Just go, ya fuckwits. Ya too, Pen. Ya can join the killin' or whatever. I need to talk with Wendy here.". Penny and Hangry nodded, turning into their animatronic forms and headed out. Pen looked at Lucky and then at Wendy, not so sure about it. Wendy gave her the sign that everything's going to be ok and the panda sighed, turning into her animatronic form and walk off. Wendy sighed as she and Lucky headed out of the factory. He didn't really bother to change into his animatronic form. " you need to talk about...uh sir?", Wendy asked, looking at him as they walked. "Well I just wanna say.....", Lucky trailed off and couldn't believe it that he's gonna say something he never said before, ".......that ya did a pretty good job back there.". "Oh, um, thank you....", Wendy said, giving him a small smile for his kindness. "Also, don't tell anyone 'bout this got that!?", he suddenly said darkly, glaring at Wendy. Wendy's eyes widened at his sudden mood change and nodded. "Y-yes sir....", she said and stopped looking at him. "Just call me Lucky.....don't call me 'sir'.", Lucky said eyes also stopped looking at her. "O-okay s- I mean Lucky..", Wendy stuttered. Lucky silently chuckled as they kept walking and accidentally said it under his breath, "Cute..". Wendy perked and looked at Lucky confused. "Um did you just say something...?", she asked. Lucky realised what he just said and blushed red. "U-um nothin'! None of ya business!", he quickly said. Wendy was still confused and slowly nodded, eyes on the path. Lucky mentally scolded himself and thought, 'Why in the fuck did I say that!?'.

Everyone can change...even psychopaths/ A Dark Deception Fanfiction (Lucky x Oc)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt