Chapter 6: Run

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Pen perked, sensing through her sensors that something's not right. Wendy took notice and tilted her head. "Um, Pen? You ok?", she asked quite confused. Pen turned her head back and saw the Gang's shadow coming to their direction. She gasped and turned to Wendy and looked at her. " They're coming. You need to get out of here.", Pen said, looking seriously at her. Wendy nodded and asked, "But what about you..?". Pen sighed and said, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me.". Wendy wasn't sure if she's actually going to be ok, but she nodded anyway. Pen gestured for her to walk away from the door and Wendy did. Pen started trying to break the metal door down.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?", Lucky said, appearing with his gang. Wendy started backing up, sweating in fear. "P-Pen...!?", she stuttered. Pen stopped and turned to the Gang. "H-hey, leave her alone!", Pen nearly yelled, going in front of Wendy to protect her.  "Well if it isn't Penny the Panda.", Hangry said, crossing his arms with a menacing smirk. Soon, that smirk was off his face, when Lucky smacked him at the back of his head. "Hey! No one told ya to talk, bacon bitch!", Lucky angrily yelled at him, as Hangry rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry..", he apologized.  Penny didn't even bother to open her beak because of this. But she just glared at Pen and Wendy. Lucky soon turned to the 2 females with a pissed off look. Wendy behind Pen more like a little kid. But soon, Lucky stomped over to them and grabbed Pen by her neck, aka the suit. "Y'know, it would've been fun if ya turn half mortal so I can beat the fuck out of ya. Oh wait, ya can't. And that means...", Lucky said and soon threw Pen at the metal door, causing the door to break down. Pen groaned in pain and Wendy ran over to her, and asked in concern, "Are you ok!?". Pen sat up and nodded. "Run and collect as much shards as you can...And get out of here.", Pen said standing up. Wendy didn't know what to do as the Joy Joy Gang started walking to them. She took notice and sighed. She followed Pen's orders and started collecting the shards. "Ya 2 take care of this scrap shit, while I'll chase the mortal.", Lucky said to his teammates as they nodded. Lucky ran and chased down the mortal, while Hangry and Penny looked at Pen with a glare, causing Pen to gulp.

Wendy kept running and collecting, as she kept collecting. Soon, she got all of the shard from the outside part of the theme park. But she wasn't sure if she got all of it, so she ran all over the place to check. Nothing so far. Meanwhile, Lucky was hunting her down. 'Where'd that lil' shithead  went?', he thought. And soon enough, he saw a shadow figure ran by. He decided to follow it and hid behind the wall. He then peeked. Wendy was looking and soon gave a mental nod to herself and thought, 'Looks like I'm done here.'. She turned  to the other direction and soon saw someone peeking. Lucky quickly hid. 'Shit. I'm being followed.', Wendy thought and soon ran off. Lucky peeked again and saw her ran. He chased after her, now using his speed boost. 'Behind you!', Bierce all of the sudden said in Wendy's mind. Wendy looked behind while running and saw Lucky gaining on her fast. She gasped and used vanish immediately, while running. Lucky soon ran out of his speed boost and normally ran. 'Shit, I lost her!', he thought. 'Now go to the final zone. The production factory.', Bierce said through her mind. "Why didn't you help me where I was nearly killed by those robots?", Wendy muttered the question, a bit pissed because of Bierce. 'Sorry, love. Malak and I had an...argument. And I can't always help you, you know? It's draining my power bit by bit.', Bierce explained in her mind. Wendy sighed, nodding a bit.

Soon enough, Wendy made it to the production factory and she's no longer invisible. She headed in and it was huge. The boxes were filled with spare robot parts, and huge claw cranes were active, getting some pieces and putting the animatronics together. Which animatronics, you ask? Well, Lucky, Hangry and Penny of course. The machines never stopped as it made more and more clones of the trio. Wendy was shocked and scared at the fact that they're so many of them, that you can't even count them. 'Love, don't worry. I don't think they're activated....yet.', Bierce said, trying to make Wendy calm. Wendy gulped as she started collecting the shards, being aware and cautious that the clones might activate all of the sudden and kill her.

Lucky searched everywhere for the mortal, as he's getting impatient. He was getting out of control. He closed his eyes and once they open them, his eyes are no longer there, which was replaced by gre robotic eyes with 5 red dots. "Where the fuck is she!?", he yelled angrily. Soon he had an idea. He used his cameras, to search for Wendy. And soon enough, he found her in the production factory. He turned off his cameras , smiling insanely and soon ran to the place, as he muttered, "I never lose.".

Everyone can change...even psychopaths/ A Dark Deception Fanfiction (Lucky x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now