Chapter 10: Goodnight

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Pen and Wendy soon made it to the entrance. "Here we go!", Pen chirped, stopping in front of one of the towers. Wendy followed and noticed there are small windows. "How come I didn't notice the windows...", Wendy mumbled, looking at the tower. Pen bent and got the keys under a rug. She unlocked the door and opened it. She coughed since it's dusty. "This is why I don't turn into human sometimes...", Pen mumbled under her breathe as she headed in. Wendy followed behind her friend and looked around. "It's...dark.", Wendy said. Pen turned to her. "I'll find the light switch.", she said to Wendy as she transformed back into her animatronic self, since she has night vision eyes in that form. Pen then walked away, leaving Wendy at the entrance of the hotel.

Soon, the power went on, causing Wendy to perk. She looked around in awe. "Found the generator! The place should work just fine and dandy!", Pen said, now in her human form. "This place is sooo beautiful. Has it ever been used..?", Wendy asked in awe. Pen looked around, soon shaking her head. "Nope...I don't think it's used. Not even once.", Pen said, as she kept looking around. Wendy just nodded. The walls of the hotel are grey and white. It's not a typical theme park hotel like you see everyday. It looks more of a 5 star hotel, full of luxury. "I might as well clean this place up.", Pen said with a sigh. Wendy replied, "I can help you, if you want!". Pen turned to her, eyes sparkling. "Really!? That could be a big help!", Pen said, her eyes sparkled with joy. Wendy nodded with a smile. Soon enough, they started to clean the place.

The place was soon shiny and clean, as if the place has been built recently. Pen and Wendy were exhausted from cleaning as they went to the lounge, sitting on one of the sofa. "You can choose any room ya like.", Pen said as Wendy nodded. Lucky and his gang soon came in. The 3 of them are in half human forms. Penny wore a whit long sleeves with tassels on her arm sleeves, a dark shirt in her long sleeves, orange pants and orange heels. She has purple eye shadow, a pink blush on and a orange-yellow lipstick. Her skin was dark brown and has brown eyes. She has red hair and half of her hair is shaven with a bit of hair left, but the other side was long and curly. She has beutiful curves. Hangry, on the other hand, has lighter brown skin, blue eyes, and a bit chubby.  He has pink-purplish hair, as his pig ears stuck out.He wore a sleeveless white hoodie with the 'I <3 RIBS' print on the middle, pink sleeves inside, purple pants and pink sneakers. Hangry looked around. "Whoah, the place lookin' mighty fine!", he exclaimed. "Ye, ye, whatever. What are ya 2 doin' here?", Lucky asked, arms folded and raising a brow. "Oh uh...we cleaned the place up so Wendy can...sleep here.", Pen said, blinking. Wendy just quietly nodded, since she's a bit scared and nervous, knowing  that Lucky isn't just the leader, but the gang themselves are killers. Penny took notice and sighed at Wendy. "Hun', if you still think we would kill you, we won't. It against Malak's orders.", she said as Hangry nodded. "Plus..I think you're pretty ok.", Hangry said shrugging. Lucky just rolled his eyes. "It's gettin' pretty dark. Might as well put the mortal to bed.", he said, looking away. Pen nodded, soon standing up. "Can I volunteer?", Hangry asked, a bit childisly. Penny looked at him, eyes widened and just blinked. Lucky looked at him with the 'Are-Ya-Fuckin-Serious' look. Pen was unsure. "I-I don't knoww...", she mumbled, thinking this through. "Ppppppllllllleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?", Hangry whined. Wendy sighed. "Let him, Pen.", Wendy replied. Pen looked at her, worried. "Are you sure..?", she asked. Wendy nodded as she was attacked by a hug from Hangry. "Yayyyyyyyyy!", he happily said. Wendy awkwardly laughed as Penny and Lucky just watched. Lucky watched them, somewhat despising the moment of the 2. "Let's just go...", Penny said to Lucky with a sigh. Lucky snapped back to reality and just walked away. Penny watched him as she shook her head. She soon followed him. Pen glared at Hangry. "If you try to hurt her, I'll tell Malak.", she said and soon went away. Hangry looked at her and rolled his eyes.", Wendy replied. "Awesome. I think you know my name, soooo, let's just go to your new room?", Hangry asked and acted like a gentleman. Wendy chuckled, feeling somewhat at ease and nodded. Hangry was happy and soon led her to the lift.

Hangry pressed the button and waited for the lift. Wendy was standing beside him, thinking of a topic to talk about. "Hey, uhhh, sorry know, the time that I chased you hungrily and's just, it's just that it's part of us robots.", Hangry said with a sigh. "It's alright...really.", Wendy said, looking at him with a small smile. Hangry looked and smiled back. The lift arrived. They went in as Hangry asked, "Which floor?". "The last one!", Wendy replied enthusiastically. She always liked the top floor. Hangry chuckled and pressed the '15' button and the doors closed, bringing them up.

The lift arrived at floor 15 and the doors opened. Wendy walked out, as Hangry followed. "Go ahead. Choose a room.", he said. Wendy walked around and chose the room '1505'. "I'm staying in this one. I don't want to be far from the lift and staircase.", Wendy explained as Hangry nodded. She opened the door and went in. The place is pure white and calming. She flopped onto the bed as Hangry went in. He looked around and walked to the closet. He opened it and saw a lot of clothes. "Looks like Malak knew where you were staying...", he mumbled as he closed the closet door. Wendy's head tilted to the side looking at him in confusion. Hangry shook his head as he said, "Nothing." with a smile. Wendy sat up and nodded. Hangry went to the door. "Well, uhh, I wish ya goodnight?", Hangry more asked than actually saying it. Wendy nodded and smiled. "Yeah, good night, Hangry.", she said. Hangry smiled back and soon closed the door.

Everyone can change...even psychopaths/ A Dark Deception Fanfiction (Lucky x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now