Chapter 14: The Fight

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Everything was silent. Lucky didn't dare to speak after what he just said. He didn't even dare to make eye contact with Wendy as he scolded himself mentally. 'Damn it! Get yerself together! What the fuck is wrong with me!?', he mentally yelled in his mind as he walked with Wendy silently. Wendy tried to think about a topic to talk about, but nothing came. It was just silence, dead silence. Only the sounds that could be heard were their footsteps tapping on the stone ground.

All was about to change when they heard loud banging noises. Lucky and Wendy perked as they heard it. "What was that...!?", Wendy asked, fear hiding in the tone of her voice. She pretty knew what those loud bangs were. "Stay here. I don't want Malak be scoldin' us just because you died.", Lucky said in a demanding tone as he turned into his animatronic form and run off to where banging can be heard. Wendy blinked and thought whether she should follow his orders. Her mind got distracted when she heard Lucky curse from afar, "WHAT THE HELL!?". This caused her to be worried. She isn't just worried about the rabbit. She's also worried about her friends. So she silently walked into where Lucky went, making sure her shoes doesn't make a sound.

She walked and soon stopped in her tracks when two familiar animatronics appeared, carrying the one animatronic. It was Hangry and Penny. The parts of their animatronic suits were ripped, showing their endoskeletons. Hangry was carrying an animatronic, who is also ripped but worse than the two. Wendy's eyes widened and ran to them. "W-what happened..!?", she asked in shock. "Human got a gun and an axe......we were searching for the human when we heard some metal banging around a corner...Pen's attacked and well...voice box shot.", Hangry said with a sigh. Wendy couldn't say anything. Her friends and possibly, a best friend to her heart was badly damaged. "S-she's going to be alright....right?", Wendy asked, trying to get it together. "W-we'll try to find extra pieces and voice box for her. D-don't worry 'hun.", Penny said reassuringly. Wendy nodded as Hangry said, "Now c'mon...let's head somewhere safe. Lucky can handle this.". Wendy nodded with a sigh as she followed the two animatronics. They were walking back to the factory when an another bang and yelling could be heard. Wendy stopped in her tracks and turned her head. "...D-doesn't he need help..?", she asked, wondering if Lucky was alright. Penny stopped and turned to her. "Lucky's gonna be fine. Plus! It's not safe there for you!", she said. Wendy's mind started a conflict whether she should help or not. She couldn't decide and turned to run to where Lucky is. Penny's eyes widened and yelled, "W-WENDY! Y-YOU'RE GONNE GET KILLED! Y-YOU'RE NOT READY YET!". But it was too late. Wendy was nowhere to be seen. Penny was going to go after Wendy, when Hangry blocked her way. "Let her be,'s her decision.", he said. "W-WHAT!? Are you saying we should let her die!? MALAK'S GONNA BE MAD AND POSSIBLY SHUT US DOWN!", Penny yelled in anger. "Just let her! It's going to be ok, Priscilla!", Hangry yelled back, soon shutting his mouth in shock. Penny looked hurt. "I-I don't even want to hear that name, know that..!", she said. If she was human right now, tears would be falling down her cheek. "I-I'm sorry Penny...I...I didn't mean c'mon and let the kid do, okay?", he said softly as he started walking back to the factory again. Penny looked to where Wendy went and soon walked back with Hangry, mumbling the words, "For how much I hate you for being too close with Lucky and being alone with him earlier...please be ok...".

Wendy kept running and soon heard the fight. She stopped in her tracks and peeked around the corner where the fight was. Her eyes widened at the sight. Lucky was on the ground, same state as Hangry, Penny and Pen, but worse. He was struggling to get up as the mortal was holding the axe and the gun. The mortal was a he. He's muscular, tattoos all over his arms, tall and wore a prison jumpsuit. He kicked the rabbit on his metal stomach as Lucky groaned in pain and cursed weakly, "F-fuck....". "Looks like you lose, rabbit boy.", the mortal said as he smirked at his victory. Wendy took out the small knife she took back in the training room. Luckily, the mortal's back was facing her. She sneaked silently and stealthily. Lucky was holding his metal stomach and slowly opened his eyes, seeing Wendy sneaking behind the mortal. She raised her knife and was about to plunge it down to his neck, when the mortal swiftly turned, used his other hand to hold the axe handle and grabbed her arm. He gripped tightly onto her arm, causing Wendy to wince in pain. "Well I'll be. A girl! Now what does a weakling like you doing here?", the mortal asked with a smirk. "D-did you just call me a weakling..?", Wendy asked, anger rising in her again. Lucky weakly chuckled which caused the mortal to look at him in disgust. "What are you laughing about, scrap?", he asked with venom. "Y-ya might not want h-her to be mad....buddy.", Lucky weakly said through gritted teeth. Wendy took the chance to kick the mortal where the sun doesn't shine which caused him to let go of her and groaned in pain. She punched him in anger, which caused the mortal's nose to bleed. "Ohohoho! So you want a fight eh?", he said and raised his gun and pointed at Wendy. "I'm not afraid of you, asshole.", she said through gritted teeth. Lucky wanted to help Wendy but he's too weak as he kept trying to stand up. The mortal shot Wendy on her arm. She cursed loudly but that didn't faze her. She didn't let the pain stop her. After all, her parents trained her to be a fighter, not a coward. Wendy ran to him as they fought.

The fight took about for a few minutes. The two mortals were badly bruised and injured. The man had enough and used his one hand to pin Wendy on the wall hardly. Wendy struggled as the man yelled, "Stop struggling you bitch!". He swung his axe and hit Wendy's waist which caused her to scream. Lucky's eyes widened as he kept struggling to get up. 'I need to help her.....damn it!', he mentally said as he forced himself to get up and he did. He limped and used his strength to pull him off of Wendy. Wendy winced in pain as tears streamed down her eyes and forcefully took out the axe. She bled a lot after removing it. "Leave her alone, dickhead!", Lucky said as he pinned the mortal down on the ground. Lucky didn't know how long he could hold the mortal as Wendy has the axe on her hand. She limped over to them. The mortal kicked Lucky off and tried to aim his gun at Lucky's forehead, but Wendy stopped him by throwing the axe at his arm, which caused him to drop his gun. Wendy didn't wait and took the gun and shot the mortal in the head, panting heavily as she bled because of her wounds from getting shot and the axe hit. She held her axe wound tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. Lucky saw it was over and stood up shakingly. "Fuck...why..?", Lucky muttered. Wendy turned to look at him and sighed shakingly. "You should be thankful that I helped.", Wendy said. "....Still...y-you could've been killed..", Lucky replied limping over to Wendy. Some parts of Lucky were badly damaged which caused him to limp and at times, twitch. She rolled her eyes and said, "Let's just head back and fix ourselves up.". Lucky nodded as they limped back to the factory.

While limping, Wendy began to go slow and Lucky took notice. He looked back. "Hey, ya alright? Need any help...?", he asked. Wendy shook her head as she started feeling a lot weaker. Her skin was pale from blood loss. Soon, metal footsteps can be heard which caused the two to perk. It was Hangry, all better. Looks like he found a spare suit for him to change. "Oh geez! What happened!?", he asked in panic. "What do ya think, pork chop?", Lucky replied back, rudely. Hangry sighed and looked over to Wendy, which caused his eyes to widen in worry. "Wendy..!?", he ran over to her. "H-Hangry.........I think I'm gonna....", Wendy silently said and soon enough, her eyes closed and was about to fall to the ground, but Hangry caught her. Wendy passed out. Hangry carried his friend bridal style. Lucky was watching them as he mentally sighed. Hangry went to Lucky and said, "You sure you don't need any help? Penny can help yo-", Hangry said and got interrupted by Lucky saying, "Shut up. Just help Wendy. I don't need any help.", he said with a glare. Hangry just nodded and ran back to the factory. 'Motherfucker...', Lucky mentally cursed as he made it to the factory.

Everyone can change...even psychopaths/ A Dark Deception Fanfiction (Lucky x Oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora