-the ball-

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I just want to put this out there so all of you know, i wanted a to put a twist on the story so that you all won't be stuck on Draco all the time, the other characters put a twist to it, and just because this is a Draco fanfic doesn't mean you'll end up with him, you'll just have to see ;) agian, thank you all so much and without any fether adiue, -chapter 19-, Also side note, Madyline calls Theo, Thee.

Madyline Riddle

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Madyline Riddle

I wake up to the sound of another sleeping peacefully, it was Theo. He was on my couch with a book on his chest, but he also had blood in his lip and a brusie near his eye. Then i remembered what happened last night, the game, the closet, the fight, the punch. Everything. I krept over to Theo and placed y hand on his cheek and rubbed his brusie with my thumb lightly. Has he always been this...hansome? The feeling was shook off as Theo graoned at my touch,

"I'm sorry." I apologize quickly taking my hand back.

"No it's okay Mads, are you okay...that looks nasty." He says bringing my hair pack and gently putting it behind my ear to reveal the dark brusie on my face.

"I'll be fine, wait here." I say walking to my bathroom.

I come out with a war cloth, "Here." I sofly say as i wipe off the dried blood on the corner of his mouth. He looked at me with sofy eyes, i looked up to meet his. We stared at each other for the longest time, tension growing.

"So um are you exsited for the ball?" I say breaking the silence as i sit next to him on the counch streaching my legs out.

He take my legs and sets them in his lap, "Yeah, i just exsited to see your dress."

"I really hope your not color blind Theo." I laugh.

"Ha ha" he mokingly responds.

"Speaking of i need to go pick it up, wanna come with?"

"Sure, i have to pick mine up too, and i hope you are aware of what time it is."


"It's 1:30 love"

"Oh ssshit, then we have to go."

I quickly run over to my closet and grab a large t-shirt and leggings.

"Don't worry i'm not looking." I hear Theo say from behind me, i roll my eyes and slip the clothes on, i run back over to Theo who had a hand over his eyes,

"Theo you dimwit come on!" I drag him out of my room.

"Wait what are you doing...stop."

"What are you doing??!!"

"Take my arm dumbass."

"Oh yeahhhh."

"Yeahhhh." He replies giving off a smile as i grab onto his arm.

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