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Before i went to see Hermione, I made plans to meet up with Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe Goyle, and Draco. I was pleasantly surprised that they feel to my feet like peasants. It was odd but it felt empowering.

"You ready to go?" Draco said.

"Yeah, let's go."


As me and Draco were walking to Homsgade i see Harry and Ron walking torwards us. Once we passed them i felt a slight sigh of releif, but that moment ended quickly. I felt hands on my waist grabbing me and pulling me backwards. The hands wip me around to meet the eyes of Harry Potter keeping his grasp firm and tight. I turn back to see Ron standing in front of Draco, porventing him from getting me. I turn back to Harry and meet his sorrowful eyes.

"Harry, what the hell are you doing?!" I say as i squrim at his grasp.

"I need to talk to you Madyline, now."

"I'm not just some object you can order around Harry."

"I know that but i need to talk to you."

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Well i have something to say"

"Clam it Harry i don't want to hear it."

I finally break free and start running to Draco. Once i was with him again we started to jog away but i hear Harry shout something,


My heart stopped, and so did my feet. I couldn't move, I just stood there. Not beleiving what came out of Harry's mouth. Draco looked back and made his way torwards me slowly..

"Darling, what's wrong..?"

And then everything went black.

Harry's POV

I couldn't beleive those words came out of my mouth, but it is true i turly love her. And i just can't stand her being mad at me. It hurts, alot. As i look up from the ground and i see Madyline on the ground in Draco's arms. My heart dropped. I ran as fast as i could.

Draco's POV

I didn't know whar to do, nor what happened. All i can do is keep her uncountious body in my arms. Soon after she fainted, i see Potter and Weasley run torwards us, at the point i didn't care who helped, even if it was Potter and Weasley. They came over with regret all over their faces.

"What happened Malfoy. Harry questioned worringly.

"I don't know. I turn back and see her standing there looking at me, then she faints."

"We need to get her to the infirmary, now." Weasley interuppted.

Well someone needs to go tell the others in Homsgade that we won't be there." I tell them.

"You do it Malfoy they are you're friends." Ron says.

"I can't leave her." I reply.

"Malfoy, as much as you hate me, you know we both have something in common, our love for her." Harry says looking at me.

"Please keep her safe. I'll be there as soon as i tell them." I say as i lay her into Harry's lap, I run as fast as i can to tell the others.

Harry's POV

As i see Draco run off, I pick Madyline up and start to carry her into the school to the infirmary. I feel so many eyes on me and i hear gasps. I was almost at the corner to turn until i saw the group of our friends, Hermione, Nevile, Luna, Fred, George, Semus, Dean, and Ginny. They all look in shock. And run up to me asking frantically what happened.

"No time to explain i have to get her to the infrimary, now please move out of the way."

Once we got to the doors of the infirmary, a nurse was at the door and she also looked worried as she looked at Madyline's face, she told me to follow her and to set Madyline on a bed in the back left coner of the infirmary. As i lay her down, her hair falls perfectly out of her face and her head tilts just the slightest as she is set down. I love this girl. I can't loose her, and almost instantly, Draco and hs crew burst though the doors coming torwards the bed.

"Is she alright?" Draco says.

I was about to say something but the nurse comes in and inturups me,

"No. She isn't."

"What? What's wrong with her?" Draco asks impatently.

We all nod at the questions and look back at the nurse waiting for an answer, the quiet pause is killing me.

"Sh-She's in a coma dear."

And suddenly, my heart dropped.

Draco's POV

And suddenly, my world came crashing down.

Hermione's POV

And suddenly, i think i just lost m best friend.


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