-the date-

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"What?" I said like i didn't know what was happening.

"Dumbledore is dead." He said softly.

I could hear that pain in his voice. And i didn't know how to feel. I walked up to him and hugged him.

"He was a good man." He said into my shoulder.

I nodded and tears ran down my cheek and onto Draco's chest. I didn't have a choice, i had to do it.

Later that night however, i received a note, a dark black elder owl came up to my window and properly set it's self on the sil. I took to letter from it's grasp and it was titled, Madyline Lestrange, and it read,

My dearest Madyline,

Excellent job darling! I couldn't be more proud,
i sense it was hard, but i couldn't be more proud of
you. It showed you're bravery, power, and the darkness
within you. Everyone has to embrass the darkness in order
to find out who they want to be, or, who they are meant
to be. I also sense that you enjoyed it. At you're age, it's
likey you won't admit it, but i feel it. I was just like you when
i was you're age, battling the light and dark, but then i found
where i belong, who and what i'm meant to be. A leader. A lord.
The Dark Lord. And now that it has embrassed it's self into you,
it is time i tell you the truth about you're family. I expect you meet
me in the forbbiden forest tommorow night at 9 pm sharp. Do not
be late. See you then Madyline.

I was honestly at a loss for words. He was proud? The darkness embrassing it's self within me? When he was my age? This all seemed strange. But nevertheless i could not let him down now, or else Dumbledore would've died for nothing. And terrifying enough, Voldemort was right, i did like the power i felt within me. It felt empowering to have that much power, i couldn't hold it inside me much longer, the rage, the anger, the frustration.

I couldn't take it in right now, i needed sleep. I slipped myself under the sheets and drifted away into a deep sleep, trying not to think of the awful thing i have done just a few hours ago...

A knock on my door woke me up, something i wasn't expecting especially because we didn't have classes today. And with a whisk of their wand they bursted through the door, it was Draco.

"Draco..?" I said with a raspy morning voice.

"Get up." He said sternly.


"Just get ready and meet me in the common room, oh and here." He handed me a medium sized boxed with a bow around the top with a card.

"I'll meet you down there." His stern look tunrned into a smile as he walked out and shut the door again.

I sat up and opened the box carfully, i lifted the cover and found a dark green dress laying inside. I opened the letter,

It's our day Blue, free of distractions, just us. -DM

This is exactly what i needed. The dress looked beautiful it stared at it in awe.

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