-the start-

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It was July 31, the start of a fresh year at Hogwarts. I'm ready for my third year. Me and my father arrive at Platform 9 3/4 once again, the summer breeze was hitting my face ever so slighty as i quickly board the train as i give my father a light kiss on the cheek and bit him adue. As I'm walking down the corridors to find an empty compartment, i hear someone shout behind me, "Madyline!" Hermionie says exsitedly making her away down the corridor to meet me. My pace speeds up and i throw my arms around her, enjoying the company of my best friend. Our father's are good friends so we have been each other's best friends since we were in cribs. "Oh how i have missed you!." She states squeezing me tighter. "Me too." I say gently digging my head into her neck for comfurt. Iv'e been away call summer, so i couldn't really her Hermionie that much. Me and Father went to America for the first time. KIt was weirdly beautiful. I was there for most of the summer. But i wasn't hesitant to go back to England where home was. Hogwarts. The one place i can express myself and be who i really am. Granted, father always helped me with my spells and potions when and if i needed.

"Well come on then! The train is about to move!"

"Alright, alright."

"Follow me, we have the compartment to ourselves."


We sit down on the soft chushined seats. The air was filled with a familiar sent of the trolly filled with sweets. "Hello my dears, anything from the trolly?" Says the kind old women. "Chocolate Frog for me please." Hermionie says in a calm, pleading voice. "Actually, make that two." She continues. She always knows what i'll get. We are like the same person. Well, almost the same. Different houses. She's in Griffindor and im in Ravenclaw, i guess i take my brains from my mother, my father was never the brightest. I don't know my mother, she left when i was a baby but iv'e been perfuctly fine without her. And it's really funny. "You know me too well." I say with a smile. "I know." She says confidently. The lady hands each of us chocolate frogs and we dig in. Hands down the best chocolate iv'e ever had. As we are sitting there talking about our summers and my trip to America, we hear a knock on the door. It was Harry and Ron. Of course. I'm not surprised, they always seem to pop up at the strangest times. "Hey Madyline, hey Hermionie." Harry says with a big smile plastered on his face as he looks into my eyes, it's like he's looking into my soul but not a bad way. Ron just waves and they both take a seat. Ron next to Hermionie, and Harry next to me. We all start to talk about our summers together but Harry tells us that a pisoner has escaped from Azkaban and wants to come and kill him. I see him start to tremble, i take his hand in mine and hold it tighty. He snaps his head up for his eyes to meet mine. I see he's scared. And i don't blame him. "Everything's going to be okay Harry, i won't let anyone kill you or hurt you." I say softly still grasping his hand. As Harry was about to respond we are interupted with Ron screaming, "OH BLOODY HELL! WHY HAS EVERYTHING GONE COLD?!" We stare at the door as we see a dark figure reach it's cold, dark had to open the door and imdeiatley looks at Harry. Dementors. I say to myslef. Father has tought me everything i need to know about those stupid things. I shoot up from my seat and yell as loud as i can, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"It send a large white waves toward it was it screeches and flees almost instantly. "Harry, are you okay? Is everone else okay?" I say with concern. "Yes we are all okay." Hermionie says quickly. "BLIMLEY MADYLINE! How in the hell did you know how to do that?" Ron says just flat out shocked. "Ron, you have to remember that he dad has told her almost every single spell to defend herself." Herminione says looking at him with an annoyed look. I just turn to him and nod. "Althoguh, i don't know why." I add as i turn to Harry who was sitting there in terror. "Those were dementors, there'ye gaurds that come from Azkaban, probably looking for Sirius Black, they suck out every inch of happiness you have left in your body, the spell that i used, well as you saw, it acts as a sheild and protects you from the dementors. You have to focus in one the the most happiest moments in your life, a powerful one." I finish. "Well, thank you. You saved my life." Harry says taking my hands into his. "I told you i would neber let anything hurt you, it goes for all of you." I tell them looking at each oter them with a half-hearted smile.
Fianlly, we arrive at Hogwarts where we are greeted by Hagrid, as always. "Ello Harry, Madilyne, Hermionie, and Ron." He says with a cheeful, welcoming smile. "Hey Hagrid we all say in unison as we make our was torawrds the carriges. We arrive at the huge doors to Hogwarts. My heart was pounding like crazy, filled with exsitment and happiness. I was just about to take my first step into the school as i feel a tap on my shoulder. "Madyline!" Draco says. "Draco!" I reply warmly throeing my arms around him to give him a warm hug. The three already went ahead of me, they said they'll meet me in the Great Hall. "How was your summer? I want to hear all about it and your trip to America." He says with huis arms around my shoulder as we walk into to school. "Oh it was amazing. Just gloreous. We travled all over America it was really a sight to see." And you? Me and Draco have been close friends since our first year. I'm the only ones he's nice to and Hermionie because i tell him to lay off the snarky comments. And he actually listens. He's my guy best friend, he's the one person who truly understands me besied Hermionie. He goes on to tell me that we travled to New Zealand for his summer break. It was nice to catch up with him. Once we get to the Great Hall, we are greeted my Porfessor McGonagall who has the same bright smile i remember so clearly. She yaps on about how she is so happy to have familiar faces back at Hogwarts. Once she's finished, we are let into the dining hall. "Meet me at the Astormany tower around 10 tonight." Draco say with a smile. I nod and go sit with my table. I don't have any friends in my house except for Luna. She's odd, but in the good way. We start to talk about potions class, it's our favortie class. We're Snape faves. Probably because we actually do the assingments and know how to brew potions. Yeah Luna great, but i'm better. Only because father's forced me into putting in 100%. I don't mind it, i like a good challange. My smarts almost oer power my anger and rage. My anger controls me, and it's not likley for a Ravenclaw to have those traits but iv'e always brushed it off.
After Dumbldore's speech and dinner, i heaed to my the dorms to unpack all of my things, i shared a room with only Luna. As we are unpacking out suitcases, i realize Draco took my wand. That punk. He always does that. A few hours pass, and it almost time to meet up with him at the Astronamy tower. I tell Luna i'll be out for a while and she nods with a smile.
As i'm walking up the long flights of stairs, i get super tired, it difficult walking up these stairs. I finaly get there after 10 minutes of walking. "There we are," said Draco holding my wand in his hand, "I began to think you wern't going to come." "Oh shush i wouldn't miss it for the world, now give me back my wand you punk." I say with a laugh. "Come and get it replies starting to run around. I laugh and start to chase him. I back him into a corner and he's just raising his hand up to where i can get it. Our chests were touching, i could feel smirk he had plastered on his face. I looked down from his hand to meet his eyes that were staring into mine, he soon lowers his hand and pulls me into a kiss, a gentle, fagile one. I pull back with confusing on my face, "I'm sorry i just waned to-" I interupted him by kissing him again, more passionatly this time. Our lips moved in sync, the kiss was filled with all types of emotion, he turned me aound to where im up against the wall, my hands ran through his blonde, silky hair as his hands we grabbing onto my waist pulling me in closer but his body was pushing up against mine. it felt good. I felt on top of the world. Why did this feel right? Why did i like kissing my best friend. I didn't know how to feel. But all i felt was pure happiness.

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