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Draco's POV

Feburary 19th,
It's been about a week since i found out Madyline was in a coma,
i really miss her, her laugh, her smile, her warmth, her joy,
her subborness, her bravery, her everything. I'm not sure
how much longer i can go with outher, and i think i need to
tell the others about where she comes from, and who she is.
I don't know how long shenwill be out for, but hopefully it's
not forever. And i think that i'm going to write her parents,
they deserve to know as well even though Dumbledore
already reached out, they need to hear it from someone who
was there. I don't know what i'm saying at this point. I just miss
you Madyline. So much.

Feburary 25th
It been a couple of days. It been lonley, i vist her bed every
single day hoping she would wake up, just sitting, waiting.
My world is falling apart, all of my happiness came from her
and it's gone now. I contacted her parents, they surpisingly
wrote me back, they were glad i was there and i did everything
i could. Bellatrix was really upset, it's like i could feel her emotion
though her. It was odd, and i had a feeling something was going to happen soon.

March 1th
It's felt like forever without her. It been really
lonley without her. And on the other hand, word got out to Hogwarts
from Azkaban that Bellatrix got out. I have a feeling she's going to make a
vist to Madyline. But wouldn't that be dangerous for the school, me myself
i don't mind her but the enitre school might think otherwise, but i mean
that's her daughter, and i don't think she'll care what happnes to others until
she gets to see her daughter.

I jolted at the banging sound coming from my door.

"What do you want?" I say with a snarl.

"It's me, Potter. We need to get Madyline out of here, Bellatrix is here, at Hogwarts."

I still haven't told them about their relations, but i guess now i have to. I walk up to the door and open it to see Potter standing there awkwardly.

"Follow me Potter."


I led him to where the others were.

"I have something to tell all of you before you guys get Madyline out of here.." i start.

"What is it?" Hermione questions.

"Bellatrix...is Madyline's daughter. She's a Lestrange, and Hermione that's why she wanted to meet up with you that night, so that she could tell you. So don't get mad at her.''

They all gasped, and i mean all of them.

"Oh my goodness." I hear Luna whisper.

I couldn't let then just take Madyline away from her mother,

"You can't take her away. It's her mother." I say

"It dangerous Malfoy." Fred said.

Everyone nodded and started walking towards the infirmary. I tired to stop them but nothing helped.

Once we all arrived, we opened the doors to find Madyline gone.

"What did you bafoons do with her?!?!" I yell.

"Nothing, we haven't moved her!" Harry replied.

"Shit." I say to myself.

"It's Bellatrix, she has her." Ginny speaks up.

"Well no shit little weasley, we don't have to worry, she's safw with her own mother." I explain.

Before anyone could answer and black cloud came crashing into the windows of the infrimary. Once the black cloud dissapeard, we saw her, standing before us. Bellatrix Lestrange.

Everyone whipped out thier wands at the ready but before any of them could even mutter a word, at the wave of her hand their wands flew out thier hands. And she looked straight at me, i had a pit in my stomach.

"You. You're Draco." She said calmy.

"Yes, i am." I reply. I was honestly terrified but all i thought of was Madyline and that set my mind at ease.

"Come with me, and only you." She said threateningly.

I obeyed her wish came carfuly started to walk torwards her until,

"Don't do it Draco!" Harry shouted.

"It's fine Potter, i trust her." I said not looking back.

"Wise choice Draco." Bellatrix siad ever so slightly.

I stood next to her and she took my wrist and held her wand to the sky and she muttered some words and just like that i was in a dark room, ark green curtains covering ever windom, a couch on the right hand side the room with a black blanket over it, and in the other corner, a grand piano. It looked so ellagant, and in the back middle of the room there was a king sized bed with poles on each side with dark green and black clothes over it, and riht in the middle of the bed was a person, sleeping, And i soon realized it was Madyline. I started to slowly walk up to her. But i heard someone behind me.

"She's so beautiful, my daughter. So intellagent, so brave, so strong." Bellatrix says behind me.

"Indeed she is." I reply.

"You really love her, don't you.?

"Yes ma'am."

"Then stay with her, i need to take care of some things, i need to find a way to wake her and i kno just the person to go to. I'll be back when i can, just stay with her. Keep her safe."

"That's all iv'e tired to do since the day i layed eyes on her. I'll do everything in my power to keep her safe."

"I know Draco, be safe."

I nod as she dissapears into the black cloud that got us here.

I walk up to Madyline and lay my hand on her cheek and stroke her hair behind her hair.

"God i miss you." I whisper.

It must've been at least 4 hours before i see not one but two black clouds appear in the room, i het up from the chair i was sitting in and closed the book i was reading to see who it was.

It was Bellatrix but i couldn't see the other one because they were in the corner where there was no light.

Then suddenly they stepped into the light peaking from the curtains.

Stood before me was Lord Voldemort.

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