Chapter 7 Wandless Magic

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This chapter is dedicted to the lovely TrenchcoatTheVegbian! Thank you so much for the support you've given my story! I woke up this morning and saw you voted for the last chapter and decided to update just for you! I hope you like it!


It seemed like the rest of Talon's day sped by in a flash and before she knew it, it was time for her actual potions class with Professor Snape. She was walking as fast as she could without breaking into a run; her class before potions was transfiguration and the two classrooms were absurdly far apart. Talon could just make out the stairs that led down into the dungeons when she noticed a small huddle laying on the floor. She ran towards it hoping that it wasn't a student. When she reached the bundle her mouth was set in a grim line. It was a small Slytherin girl. Please be okay please be okay...

Talon knelt down and felt for a pulse; her heart felt like it was beating like a jackrabbits. Okay, at least she's still alive but now I have to take her to the hospital wing. She scooped her up, the girl's sunshine yellow hair hanging down over Talon's black clad arm.

The quickest way to the hospital wing from here is through the dungeons and out the other side. I'll send my patronus to Madam Pomfrey so she'll be ready. Talon conjured her patronus wandlessly and the sleek silver wolf let out a howl as it took off down the empty stone corridor. She took off at a fast jog after her patronus, trying very hard to not jostle the unconscious girl. She ran passed several portraits, and none who seemed inclined to ask if she needed any assistance. Damn paintings. No help to anyone.

"Oh no," Talon groaned. Professor Snape was standing rigidly outside his classroom with his arms crossed. Waiting on her.

"Professor I'm so sorry I found this girl passed out in the corridor and I'm taking her to the hospital wing. I sent my patronus to Madam Pomfrey so she'll have everything prepared. I'm sorry but I really need to keep going; I don't know what's wrong with her," Talon said through measured breaths.

Talon didn't wait for a reply from her sour faced potions professor before she took off again.


Snape stuck his head into his classroom and shouted, "All of you are to stay in your seats. No moving around or talking until I get back."

He ran down the hallway trying to catch up with Talon. I was genuinely looking forward to giving her a detention for being tardy to my class and I was most certainly not expecting the reason as to why she was late.

Finally he could see her in front of him. She was running up the last flight of stairs before the hospital wing. Snape was astonished to see that she never once slowed down and she didn't look the least out of breath. Interesting. He wouldn't have been able to call himself a man if his obsidian eyes hadn't been drawn to the way her skirt fluttered around her milky white thighs and- I have gone mad, thinking about a student like that. Get ahold of yourself, man!

Snape pushed all of his licentious thoughts to the remote reaches of his mind, climbed the flight of stairs and strode into the hospital wing. Talon had already laid the Slytherin girl in a bed and Madam Pomfrey was doing diagnostic spells on her.

"Poppy, what happened?" Snape inquired.

"Severus!" Poppy snapped, "Please will you be quiet! Ask Miss Black if you are in dire need of answers. I'm occupied at the moment."

Snape raised an eyebrow at Talon in a silent question.

Talon, never taking her eyes off the girl's still form, softly said, "I don't know, professor. I was on my way to your class and I saw her laying on the ground. I checked for a pulse first, then I picked her up, and sent my patronus to Madam Pomfrey. I followed after it and met you outside your room then came here."

Snape looked pensive for a moment, then he spoke. "You cast the patronus charm while holding an unconcious girl? What if you had dropped her trying to retrieve your wand? Stupid girl I expected more of you."

She could have killed the poor child! She could have fallen and hit her head on the stone floor.


Talon snorted. "Professor, do you really think me that daft? I did the patronus charm wandlessly. I would never put someone in danger like that."

Snape was simply bewildered. "You mean to tell me that you cast a corpreal patronus charm- without, your wand?"

Talon nodded in agreement. "Yes, sir."

"Can you do any other wandless magic?"

Talon smiled. "Yeah, loads. I've been able to do wandless magic and some nonverbal spells since my second year."

Whatever he may or may not have been about to say was cut off by Madam Pomfrey. "She'll be just fine. She merely had a panic attack and passed out. But the reason for the panic attack is still a mystery. There are fresh scrapes on her knees and hands but other than that she is physically fine. We'll have to wait until she wakes to know more. Thank you Miss Black for bringing her to me."

Talon blushed a soft pink. "It's really nothing. Just doin' my duty. Do you think you could owl me when she wakes up? I'd like to talk to her, if she's up for it that is."

"Yes yes of course dear. Anything for you. Now, back to class."

"Yes, Miss Black," Snape said in his velvety soft voice. "let's get back to class."

"Oh! Severus is she in yours right now? Excellent! Please make sure she gets there safely."

"Certainly. Come, Miss Black."

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