Chapter 3 Moonlight and Stargazing

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The clock chimed loudly and Talon glanced up from her book. I guess that means I have to go patrol the corridors now.

Being Head Girl meant that she had to patrol more often and longer. Tonight, she was in charge of the area around the dungeons and the corridors around Ravenclaw tower. Sighing, Talon rose out of the chair she had occupied and slipped her black cloak on around her shoulders. The castle was always pretty cold but it was worse at night after all the torches had been extinguished.

Talon exited the Slytherin common room and stood in the dark corridor waiting for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

She walked quickly down the corridor heading towards Ravenclaw tower, if she did find a student out of bed she would probably end up scaring them out of their wits; her feet hitting the stone floor made no sound. She would see them and be upon them before they even realized they had been spotted.

No one yet so far. It is only the first night we're back, afterall.

Talon had already been patrolling for over an hour and the only exciting, if you could really call it that, thing that happened was Peeves trying to dump a vat of invisible ink on her. She threatened to call the Bloody Baron and he vanished almost instantly; Talon had quite the unusual relationship with the Slytherin ghost, normally he detested anyone speaking to him but he made a special exception with the young raven haired witch. He said she reminded him of a girl he once loved.

She had made it around the corridor once and was coming back around when she noticed someone standing in front of the stained glass window beside Ravenclaw Tower. The moonlight shone in through the blue glass and cast the person in a harsh light. Their long ebony hair curled around the pale skin of their neck. Talon couldn't really make out any distinct features, but she was drawn to them in a way she couldn't explain to herself. She wanted to move closer so maybe she could catch a glimpse of their face but was afraid they would notice her presence if she tried.

Hesitantly, Talon took a few small steps forward, her years of training making every one of her footfalls silent. The figure by the window moved and Talon held her breathe and froze. Talon heard them sigh and they turned their head slightly and gazed out the window towards the stars. Their hair fell from their face and she could see them plain as day: Professor Severus Snape.

Good Godric who knew he had such striking eyes.

Almost as if he heard her think that, he whipped around, his cloak swirling around his legs.

"Miss Black, why on earth are you wandering around the corridors at this time of night, hm? Could you be, up, to something?"

His dangerously low voice sent shivers down Talon's back.

"Sir I was just doing my rounds. I'm Head Girl, remember?"

"Even so, shouldn't you be in bed by now?"

Talon nervously fidgeted with the heavy silver locket around her neck. "Normally, yes. But Professor McGonagall told me this morning on the train that I was to patrol the castle until about 11:30, sir."

Professor Snape narrowed his eyes when she informed him that it was McGonagall's idea and he began to mumble angrily to himself. "...daft old woman thinks she can work my students like dogs, does she? Alright well we'll see how she likes it when I-"

"Professor honestly it's alright. I don't sleep much as it is. I might as well put my time to good use."

"Nonsense! You can't learn properly if you don't sleep. Off to bed and not another word about it."

"But sir she said-"

"Miss Black," His voice had gotten lower and he peered into her small face. "I am your Head of House. Not McGonagall. Go to bed."

"Yes, sir." Talon hung her head. She detested being scolded, especially by one of her very favorite professors. "Goodnight, professor. Sweet dreams."

She received only a snort in return. Bloody git.

Talon walked away from her scowling potions professor towards the dungeons, and she had the strangest inkling that his dark onyx eyes were burning a hole into her retreating back.

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