Chapter 11 Halloween

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Talon was in desperate need of a good nights sleep. She was accustomed to only getting a few hours a week but it was going on two weeks and she had slept maybe two hours. Her usually bright eyes were now a dull blue and she had under-eye bags fit to rival Snape's. Speaking of the snarky potions professor, Talon was in his classroom trying to teach his first years. She hadn't the foggiest idea where he had slithered off to; right before class had started he received a letter from brown barn owl and within moments the parchment was ablaze and he had swept out of the room. But had been sure to tell Talon to, "teach them something and keep them in line." as he was walking out the door.

Talon had written the instructions to brew a simple deflating draft on the black board but very few had succeeded. She wasn't one to make others feel bad when they struggled with a subject, she herself was simply abysmal at divination, but when she could tell that they were blatantly not following instructions just because Professor Snape wasn't in the room is when she lost her temper.

Jumping down from her perch atop Snape's desk she stood in front of the class. She raised her arms up to about shoulder height and brought them swiftly down to her sides. Everything anyone had been holding fell lazily to the tables and their arms stuck fast to their sides.

"I understand that I am not Professor Snape but I should think you would show me the respect that I deserve nonetheless. He left me in charge and I have been in here in this classroom with you all since the very first day of term. You should be glad that Professor Snape wasn't in here to witness your behavior," Talon looked out at each of the faces looking back at her, "I'm disappointed to say the least."

Talon snapped her fingers and the class regained control of their arms and their pitiful attempts at the potion disappeared.

"Class is dismissed. Out before he gets back."

Everyone grabbed their things and scrambled out the door. When the last student left Talon let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding and slowly slumped down to the floor with her back resting up against Snape's desk. She stretched her legs out and massaged her temples. If I don't get some sleep soon I'll lose my mind. That's the third time today I've lost my temper and it's only the first period of the day. I have a free period next, I'll just sit here for a little while and calm down. Snape probably won't be back for some time..

"Miss Black?"

Talon's head snapped up and she came face to face with Severus Snape.


"I feel pretty bad about potions today, Ron." Harry confessed after charms.

"It's not our fault, mate. It was those bloody Slytherins that were goofing off."

"I know but I still feel bad. She looked exhausted."

Ron muttered something about how we're all tired then spoke up about Hermione, "It's no wonder no one can stand her, she's a nightmare honestly."

Someone knocked into Harry as they hurried past him. It was Hermione. Harry caught a glimpse of her face- and was startled to see that she was in tears.

"I think she heard you."

"So?" said Ron, but he looked a bit uncomfortable. "She must've noticed she's got no friends."


Talon was sitting in charms class watching some of her fellow seventh years struggle with what she could do with duct tape on her mouth. She shook her head and decided she would be better off trying to figure out how she could patch things up with Snape. She couldn't help but to keep reliving the memory of that morning when he found her slumped up against his desk.

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