Chapter 4 Multiple Shocks

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The clock chime at five in the morning startled Talon out of her thoughts. She hadn't been to sleep that night even after Professor Snape demanded that she get some rest.

Talon stepped carefully out of bed; she didn't want to wake her roommates, they could be right nasty in the morning and she didn't want to have to try and block curses this early in the day.

She took a freezing shower to get ready for the day ahead of her. Most people she knew would simply die if they didn't have hot water to shower with but Talon had to do everything in her power to regulate her body temperature, she was normally much too hot or much too cold; there was no in between with her.

After her shower she put on her Hogwarts uniform: white button up shirt, black pleated skirt, green and gray tie, but today she opted out on the cloak and vest. Today was going to be one of her hot days and she could hardly stand wearing her knee high socks, much less a wool cloak.

After she tied her scuffed black combat boots Talon ran her fingers through her wild black hair. It was naturally very very curly but had little frizz. She never wore any makeup; her bright blue eyes were rimmed with thick dark lashes so she had no use for mascara or eye liner.

Grabbing her heavy book bag Talon bounded down the stairs to the Slytherin common room and out the door. No one else was up and awake yet. Breakfast didn't start until seven and it was only 5:30. Her very favorite times of the day were early morning when the sun was just beginning to rise over the mountains and that quiet time just before nightfall when the grounds around Hogwarts take on a deep blue hue. Now, it was early morning and there weren't even any ghosts roaming the halls.

Talon quietly slipped into the Great Hall and sat down on the end of the Slytherin table closest to the High Table. She still had about an hour and a half before breakfast started so she reached into her black messenger bag and pulled out her sketchbook and a new piece of charcoal. Talon drew for several different reasons but more often than not it was to get that particular image out of her head. She always felt a thousand times better when she could put her thoughts onto paper.

Her skilled hand flew across the paper scraping and sliding the charcoal around. Shadows and lines in the exact place she needed them, Before long, she had a beautiful rendition of one Professor Snape gazing out of that window. She moved her hand to the side to check her work. His eyes don't hold the same light they did last night...

Talon used the edge of her pinky finger to smudge around his eyes but before she could finish she noticed someone beside her. She slammed her sketchbook closed and in the same moment held out her hand and sent an electric shock to the intruder's midsection. They flew back and landed slumped up against the next table over. Upon realizing who it was she squealed and ran over.

"Sweet Salizar, Professor I'm so so so sorry! You scared me. Are you alright? Here, let me help you up."

Talon extended her hand to her sour faced potions professor but he ignored the gesture all together and shakily stood up. "I have many things to say to you but they need to be said in front of the Headmaster. Get up."

"No no Professor please. He already-"

Professor Snape wrapped his large hand around her upper arm and began dragging her towards Dumbledore's office.

I need to calm down. I don't think he realizes how tightly he's holding on to me but if he doesn't loosen his grip soon I'm going to snap. It's just a reflex but I don't want to hurt anyone...

Taking a deep breath, Talon began to plead with the livid man. "Professor I really need you to not hold me so hard. Frankly, I'm in quite a bit of pain but I'm afraid that if you don't relinquish your hold on me you will be worse off."

There, I said it. Although it seems to have had the opposite of the effect I desired...

Snape's eyes were mere slits and his grip became almost unbearable. "Are. You. Threatening. Me?"

Just breathe. Concentrate. I don't have to hurt him.

"Ah. Severus and Talon. How lovely to see you two this fine morning."

Dumbledore had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, though that's normally how he seems when he arrives anywhere.

"Albus! This girl attacked me and threatened me just now! Surely you heard her."

Talon tried to pull free from his iron grip but only made him squeeze harder. "I told you it was an accident! You scared me and I reacted! It was a reflex!" She turned her eyes to Dumbledore's sparking blue eyes. "Professor I'm trying as hard as I can but I'm about to lose control of it. He needs to let go."

Dumbledore nodded at Talon's shaking form and turned to Professor Snape. "Severus, you heard the girl. Let go and look at her, she is using all her will power to not turn you to ash."

Snape reluctantly let go and then turned to look at the young witch. Her long black hair was starting to float up around her and a soft golden light was radiating from her body. Startled, he jumped back and turned to Dumbledore.

"Albus, what in the name-"

"Severus, please. Let's give her a moment."

Talon began to breathe deeply and gradually her hair settled back down against her back and the light softened and receded into her. She let out a shaky breathe and looked up at her two professors. One looked amused and the other utterly perplexed. She turned to the potions master.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shock you like that. Please don't startle me."


"Now Severus," Albus chastised. "the young lady apologized."

Ignoring his comment, Snape began demanding information.

"All in good time, all in good time. But there is indeed something that I wished to speak to the two of you about. I have decided that I would feel it to be very beneficial, to the both of you, if Miss Black here becomes a sort of potions apprentice, Severus. Your apprentice."

Talon was too shocked to say anything in response but Snape was most definitely not beyond words. "I don't need any help from some-"

"It's already been decided. Her timetable will reflect it. She will help you in your class of first years and then you will have a private lesson after dinner. The time and place of that will be up to the two of you, of course." Dumbledore, not so discreetly, winked in Talon's direction and she couldn't help but wonder what exactly he was implying.

Snape was simply fuming. If it was possible Talon was sure there would have been steam rolling out of his ears. Dumbledore, sensing the pending explosion, bid Talon a good day and drug Snape off to his office for a "pep talk."

Shaking her head, Talon walked back into the great hall to retrieve her sketchbook and wait on breakfast. She could tell already that this year was going to be full of excitement.

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