Chapter 17 Kindness

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Christmas was rapidly approaching and the whole of the residents at Hogwarts, students and staff, found themselves anxiously awaiting the next trip to Hogsmead to finish, or in some cases start, their Christmas shopping.

Talon was in the back of Professor Snape's classroom re-organzing his ingredients; the first years had made a mess of it yet again and she was tasked with setting it right again. Before long, class was over and the first years began to pack their things up and resume their excited talk of the upcoming holiday.

Ron and Harry left the frigid classroom quickly and didn't realize that they had left a pot of ink on their table. Talon grabbed it and made her way to the corridor hoping she caught them before they made it too far. She didn't make it very far herself, there was a large fir tree blocking the way. She could see two enormous feet sticking out from under it meaning Hagrid was finally bringing in the Christmas trees.

"Hi, Hagrid, want any help?" Ron asked, sticking his head through the branches.

"Nah, I'm all right, thanks, Ron."

"Would you mind moving out of the way?" came Malfoy's cold drawl from behind them. "Are you trying to earn some extra money, Weasley? Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, I suppose- that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a palace compared to what your family's used to."

Ron dived at Malfoy just as Snape came out of his classroom.


Ron let go of the front of Malfoy's robes.

"He was provoked, Professor Snape," said Hagrid, sticking his huge hairy face out from behind the tree. "Malfoy was insultin' his family."

"Be that as it may, fighting is against school rules, Hagrid," replied Snape silkily. "Five points from Gryffindor, Weasley, and be grateful it isn't more. Move along all of you. Except for you, Miss Black. Follow me."

Snape swept back into his classroom and Talon turned to face a smirking Malfoy. "Five points from Slytherin for antagonizing a student. Move along."

She turned her back on the incredulous first years and went into the freezing classroom. Talon stepped towards his desk and snapped her fingers lighting the torches aligning the stone walls and a roaring fire leapt to life in the fireplace. "I don't see how you can keep it this cold down here, professor. Hell, even I'm starting to get a bit chilly."

Snape waved his wand and the flames that Talon had just conjured all went out with a whoosh. "I like keeping it cold down here for a reason, Miss Black, so please will you stop acting like you own the place?"

Talon curled her lip up in a half smile. Time for my favorite game. "And what are you gonna do about it if I don't, Severus?"

In a flash he had gone from sitting behind his desk to hovering dangerously close to her face. "I can guarantee you that you won't like it."

"Prove it."

He stalked forward until she was backed up against his desk and he put a hand on either side of her on the desk. "Do. Not. Test. My. Patience."

Talon narrowed her eyes and plastered a nasty sneer on her face. Professor Snape, thinking he knew exactly what was about to happen, opened his mouth to threaten her with yet another detention. Instead of the nasty retort that he was expecting, she reached out quick as an asp and squeezed his long nose in between her thumb and finger and honked as loudly as she could.

Snape's eyes were wide as he tried to collect himself and Talon took his momentary stunned silence in stride and slipped underneath his arm to escape. She situated herself on the top of the desk closest to his and swung her legs while she wanted for him to react. Finally, ever so slowly, he turned around. "If you ever, disrespect me in such a manner again, I will make you regret the day you stepped foot into this castle. Is that understood?"

Talon managed to choke down her laughter and actually had to cough a couple times to mask what almost slipped out. He would have lost it if I laughed. Honestly though I wish he would lighten up, even just a little bit.

"Right. Yes, sir I'm very sorry. Not. "So what is it that you wanted? Help grading papers? Clean up? I'm all yours."

"No nothing like that today. I wanted to speak to you about what happened the other night in the Forbidden Forest."

Talon kept her mouth shut. She knew if she opened it it would be all over. She was still quite angry with him for jabbing his stupid wand into her back like he did. And just a little bit offended that he thought he could do something like that and get the better of her. Professor Snape looked like he was still waiting for her to speak but she met his stare with a glare of her own.

"I am not going to apologize for what I did especially if you are not going to for what you did to me! You knocked a teacher unconscious and that in itself is warrant for a serious punishment. And frankly I do not see why I am even going down this road with you. You are a selfish, arrogant child with too much power."

"I am sorry, though." Talon began softly. "I didn't think I would have to say it. I just assumed that you would know that I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally. I think more than anything it was instinct. The Master of Elements that was my instructor drilled into me to never ever let anyone at my back like that. And I think those reflexes along with the instincts of my wolf animagus made me react that way and I really am sorry that I hurt you. I will try and do better next time, I promise."

Snape looked surprised at the direction the conversation had taken and tried to hide his embarrassment by basically ignoring everything she had just said.

"Ah yes well what I had initially asked you to stay for was to warn against going back into the forest to speak with the centaurs. I know that in the end you will do what you please but," he let out a frustrated sigh, "just be careful. There are beings lurking about in that forest that you would do well to stay far, far away from."

"I do appreciate it, professor." She looked down sadly. "I just feel like Bane is the only way that I'll ever get to know my real mother. I want to know what her favorite color was and why she loved my dad and why her brother killed her." Her voice cracked at the end but she didn't break down. She looked up at Snape with unshed tears shining in her eyes and when she spoke her voice didn't falter. "It's a good thing that Voldemort is gone because if he wasn't I would find him and end him myself for what he took away from me."

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