Chapter 15 Those Who Listen to the Stars

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I didn't honestly believe that some random centaur had any real information about her heritage but decided to let it play out.

"Joanne Jade Riddle-" was all the centaur spoke before I took action.

"You have absolutly no right to tell this girl anything!" I bellowed. "Talon," I said slightly softer. "we need to go and you do not need to pay this- beast, any mind." I reached out to grab her arm but she took a step forward.

"No. You have no right to keep these things from me! If this centaur knows my mother then I am going to listen to him and damn what you say!"

Talon turned her back on me and started to question the centaur. I can't have this overgrown horse ruining everything Albus and I have worked so hard to keep quiet. I extended my arm and roughly jabbed my wand into her lower back. I had thought that she would become complacent if I threatened her.

A wolf like howl ripped its way out of her throat and-


Talon, realizing what she had done, ran towards her fallen professor and checked for a pulse. He was still breathing; the shock of all the magic entering his system knocked him out cold. She stood back up and slowly lifted her hand, palm up to about her waist.

Snape's limp body was gently lifted into the air by Talon's wind. She turned to the centaur. "Can I come see you again?"

"Any daughter of Joanne is welcome in my forest. My name is Bane. Now, get back to the castle as quickly as you can. The forest isn't safe tonight, especially for you. I will explain later. Now, please, go."

She nodded once and took off at a dead run, Snape's body floating along beside her. The forest had never scared her before, but whatever it was that had frightened Bane was sure to be something downright nasty.

She had been running for several minutes when she saw a small light bobbing in the distance. She slowed down and drew her wand. Talon squatted down behind a large tree and waited for the light to come closer; even with her heightened sense of sight she couldn't tell who or what it was.

Snape began to stir beside her and he groggily sat up. "Nnmmm.."

"Hush! Someone's coming!"

He slowly came to his senses and realized that he was floating in mid air.

"Miss Black! Get me down from here right now or I swear-"

Without looking back she snapped her fingers, dispelling the wind and he landed with a painful thump on the leafy forest floor.

"Now will you please shut up! Look!" She pointed towards the ever nearing light. The two crouched silently behind the tree.

Finally, the light, and the people holding the light, were close enough to be seen. Malfoy, Harry, and Hagrid's boar hound, Fang, were treading cautiously through the eerie forest.

Talon calmly stepped out from behind the tree and into the middle of the trail. Malfoy let out a high pitched shriek and scrambled to get behind Harry. Harry simply looked surprised at the witch's sudden appearance, but gave her his boyish grin anyway. However, it disappeared quickly when his potions professor stepped out to stand beside her.

"Mr Potter," he drawled. "could you care to explain why, you are in the middle of the Forbidden Forest and not, in your bed in Gryffindor Tower?"

Harry was obviously irritated with the fact that Snape was less than concerned with Malfoy's being there and he ground his answer out through clenched teeth. "I have detention, sir. Hagrid is having myself, Malfoy, Hermione, and Neville help him look for an injured unicorn."

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