Chapter 13 The Wolf and the Fan Club

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Talon and the man from the ministry, Duane West, had been discussing some of the finer points of transforming. He was a big bear of a man; he had a dark beard covering the lower half of his tanned face, small wire framed glasses, and small blue eyes whose sparkle could rival even Dumbledore's. It was no surprise to Talon when he transformed into his animagus form- a great Grizzly Bear- his identifying characteristic was the piece missing from his left ear. During the first World War (Yes, World War, he informed Talon that he just loved Muggles) someone had very nearly shot his ear off. Right now, Duane and Talon were talking about how she would determine her animal form.

"Most witches and wizards already have an animal in mind and they try and transform into whatever it is they desire. However," Duanes face had taken on a haunted look. "if the animal you choose isn't compatible with your soul, it will reject you, and that's how trying to become an Animagus goes horribly wrong. Insanity, mutations, and loss of limb are just a few of the possibilites. Now," his face brightened. "I understand that you would be happy with whatever animal form you possess, is that correct, Miss Talon?"

"Yes sir it is."

"Well," he took several steps back to stand with Professor McGonagall." you may begin."

Talon closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She began muttering the spell McGonagall had taught her and at first, she thought she was doing it wrong because nothing was happening. But then it began. A white hot searing pain had slowly begun to travel up her spine and she was too shocked to cry out. Her bones began to break and reform and her muscles tore and reformed in different places. She fell to her knees and started screaming. Never before had she felt any pain that would come anywhere close to what she was feeling. Something was wrong with her vision, hearing, and sense of smell. Everything was beyond crystal clear. From her crouched position on the floor she could count the individual hairs in Duane's beard and smell exactly what he had eaten for lunch, a grilled cheese sandwhich with white cheddar cheese and jalepenos with an American Sunkist soda. She could hear students out by the Black Lake talking about the quidditch match.

She squeezed her eyes tighter together and tried to block out the new sensations. She clamped her hand over her mouth to muffle her screams. Her body felt wrong; it kept morphing in and out of forms but Talon was too afraid to open her eyes and see what she was.

Talon's mind had never been in such a disaray; she was having trouble holding onto her humanity. All she could think about was killing and eating the two defensless people in front of her. A growl ripped its way out of her throat and she began to stalk towards her prey.

Apparently, Talon's anguished screams had alarmed someone because the door to the transfiguration room was blown open. Talon's head snapped towards the door and she forgot all about the other two people in the room. Her muddled thoughts became clear and one name, one name only, was reverberating throughout her mind- Severus Snape.

With a snap Talon changed back into her human form and collapsed onto the ground. She rolled over onto her back and groaned. Someone crouched down beside of her and lifted her into a sitting position up against their chest. She knew who it was almost instantly; Snape always smelled of sage and now, with her heightened sense of smell, she could smell a faint hint of burning leaves.

"Hullo professor." Talon's usually melodic voice came out scratchy as if it was unused.

His face was set in his usual somber manner but it was his eyes that gave him away. Talon's cries had softened the usually hard onyxs into molten metal. Snape's eyes searched for any injuries and he let out a satisfied sigh when he found none.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Never been better," Talon muttered. She shakily stood up and faced Professor McGonagall and Duane.

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