Chapter 18 Accusations and Shower Thoughts

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It was the last day of classes and the day before the majority of the students, and some of the faculty, returned home for the holidays. Talon had opted to stay at the castle this year instead of returning to her small apartment in Diagon Alley. She told her friends that she wanted to spend her last Christmas in school actually at the school, but in reality it was because she had been kicked out of her apartment. She had lost her job the week before term had begun and didn't have the fiances to keep it.

She exited her last class of the day, which on Thursdays was advanced potions, and walked quickly down the hall toward the front door to the castle eager to get to her new found friends of the forest. Nearly every night since her encounter in the Forbidden Forest during her detention, she had been venturing out in her animagus form and visiting with the centaurs. Bane had told her many stories of her mother during her school days and Talon was grateful for him. For someone who had never known their mother, Talon now had a pretty good idea of who she had been and just hearing of trivial things made her feel closer than ever to her deceased mother.

Talon had been so wrapped up in thinking about Bane and her mother that she hadn't heard someone shouting her name and drawing ever nearer. By the time she did it was too late. Professor Snape had caught up to her and clamped a bony hand down on her upper arm. She whipped around, ready to defend herself against her assailant when she realized who it was.

She jerked her arm out of his grasp and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Jeez you don't have to grab me like that. What.." Talon's voice gradually trailed off as she took in the mix of emotions of her professor's face. He was absolutely livid.

"I need to discuss something rather delicate with you." He ground out through clenched teeth. "Now, I heard a certain group of first years discussing a large, multi-headed animal. A group of first years that I know for a fact that you are closely associated with and if I come to find out that it was you who told them of the dog then I'll be forced to go to the Headmaster and-"

"I haven't told anyone about Fluffy or what he's guarding."

Professor Snape's eyes widened at the mention of it guarding something and opened his mouth to protest but she cut him off.

"Did you really think no one would run across a giant three headed dog hidden in a school with hundreds of curious students running around? I did my own share of digging after the trio and I ran into it. I seriously hope that there are more protections around the stone because those three that you mentioned are getting closer and closer to the truth without any help on my part." Talon glanced down at the non existent watch on her thin wrist. "Well would you look at the time? Seems that I must be off. Good day professor."

Talon turned and tried to walk away from him. She had things to do and he was slowing her down by asking her these nonsense questions. It didn't take him long, however, to block her path. Sighing in defeat Talon backed up a couple steps and gazed up at him. "What is it now? I do have a few things that I need to do before I go into the forest tonight."

"I need to know exactly what happened. Now."

"Nothing terrible I promise. I was out doing my rounds and I caught them roaming around like the little delinquent kids they are. Then we heard Filch and that damn cat of his so we ducked into the nearest door, which actually was locked and for good reason I guess. We noticed Fluffy and ran out of there screaming. I don't see them going back for anything or telling anyone. Everything is fine."

He opened his mouth to respond but Talon had thought of something. "Hey speaking of, why was Quirrell in there on Halloween? Surely he told you or could he not speak with your hands wrapped around his windpipe?"

Snape's eyes flashed with anger. "Do not ask me questions about that. You weren't supposed to be following me. You shouldn't have seen any of that; none of you should have."

"Okay sorry. I just hope there are other things guarding the-"

The look he gave her caused her to close her mouth with a wet pop. She loved to pick at him and push his buttons but she also knew when enough was enough. And regardless of wether or not he said anything about the stone, she would find out at some point.

"Well I think I'm gonna head out. Lots to do. I hope you have a pleasant evening, professor."

Talon walked into the bathroom that she shared with the only other two Slytherin seventh year girls and peeled her uniform off. She flicked her hand and the shower came on with a roar. Within minutes the entire bathroom was filled with steam. Stepping onto the hot tiles she began thinking about the stone, Quirrell, and the thing that lurked within the Forbidden forest. I wonder if the two are connected. I mean, I've gone to school here for seven years now and nothing like this has ever happened.

Before long her thoughts had drifted from the strange goings on to something equally as odd but not so dark. Severus Snape. Talon would never in a thousand years admit to anyone that she was growing increasingly fond of the hateful man, but here she was. She had always respected him, he was a brilliant professor and her Head of House, but since term had started and she had been spending more time around him she felt the respect morphing and shifting into something more, romantic. She groaned aloud at even thinking the word with him in mind.

Nope. There's no way in hell we would ever be together. I just need to cut this off in my head before it becomes a problem.

Talon shut off the streaming water just as hard as she shut off the budding thoughts in her mind.

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