Chapter 8 The Locket

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Talon was escorted back to potions by a disgruntled Severus Snape and he, very stiffly, told her that their first private lesson would be tonight in his classroom at seven and she would deeply regret it if she was minute late. She followed behind him into the classroom.

With a dejected sigh Talon sat down in her usual seat in the very front of the room, trying her very best to ignore Charlie as he tried his hardest to get her attention. She was not about to give Snape any more reasons to get mad at her today.

As the lesson went on, she listened intently to Professor Snape go on and on about the wolfsbane plant, something she already knew plenty about but she took diligent notes regardless; the way he explained things in that alluring voice of his made Talon want to pay that much more attention to whatever it was he was saying.

When potions class was over Talon gathered her books and started making her way to the Great Hall. That however, was interrupted by none other than Charlie. "What the hell, Talon? Where have you been and why did Snape escort you back to class??"

     She briefly explained her multiple run ins with their professor though she omitted the part about his bout of laughter. She had a feeling that she would regret it if she ever told a soul. She also explained about the girl she found passed out in the corridor and that she brought her to the hospital wing. After a few more incessant questions and short answers, the odd pair made their way to the Great Hall for dinner.

When she finished her dinner Talon glanced at her watch and saw she had about ten minutes until it was time for her first lesson with Professor Snape. Grudgingly, Talon took one last bite of mashed potatos and walked down to the dungeons.

The door to Snape's classroom was closed so Talon rapped her knuckles on the dark wood three times and a muffled voice from inside said, "Enter."

Talon warily pushed the door open; she had no idea what to expect. She was honestly thrilled to be privately tutored by someone as intelligent as Severus Snape but he didn't seem nearly as excited as she was. In fact, when Dumbledore had brought it up, Snape seemed utterly appalled at spending any sort of extra time with Talon. Here goes nothing.

Snape was sittng at his desk furiously scribbling on a piece of parchment. Talon slowly walked in and stood in front of his desk. Okay I know that he knows that I'm here. Is he ignoring me or is whatever he's writing that bloody important that he can't say one freaking-

"I do indeed know that you are here, Miss Black, but I have more pressing matters to attend to than to speak to you unless it is of dire need."

So it's true. I'd heard rumors that he's a Legilimens, and a powerful one at that. I wonder if he knows that I'm not only an Occlumens but a Legilimens, too.

Talon quickly put up her mental barriers. She imagined her mind as an impenetrable fortress with a great dragon guarding the only entrance. Talon knew the dragon part was a bit childish but she just couldn't bear to part with him. He had been the visual she used to put up her barriers ever since she first learned Occlumency as a young child.

Talon glanced at her professor to see if he had noticed anything. There was a small wrinkle in the space between his brows but nothing else gave away his increasing distress. Once again, he tried to penetrate her mind but this time she was ready for it. Talon expelled him from her mind in one swift heave. This time he didn't do as good a job at hiding his astonishment. His look of surprise quickly faded to one of amusement.

"So, I guess Occlumency is not something we are going to have to go over," Snape muttered.

Talon smiled a small smile. "Nor Legilimency. What are we going to be covering, anyway?"

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