Chapter 19 The Mirror of Erised

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After Talon finished her final preparations it was well passed curfew. She cast a silencing charm on the bottoms of her Vans and exited the girls dorms and then the common room.

She always loved roaming around the castle at night; there was just something different about the familiar corridors in the dead of night.

Tonight, just as she had done many other nights, Talon made a detour around passed Gryffindor tower to make sure a certain group of first years weren't up to no good. But tonight, she caught them.

Talon heard them before they saw her and she ducked behind a suit of armor. It was Harry and Ron. They were both walking hurriedly away from the Fat Lady's portrait and whispering excitedly to one another.

She waited a few moments until they were a good distance in front of her and cast a disillusionment charm on herself and followed them.

Talon followed the wandering children for a good hour before Ron started complaining.

"I'm freezing," said Ron. "Let's just forget it and go back."

"No!" Harry hissed. "I know it's here somewhere."

I don't know that the hell it is they're looking for but it better be worth all this walking around.

"It's here- just here- yes!"

Ron and Harry pushed the door open and Talon followed the two first years inside the unused classroom. Harry ran straight for the ornate mirror standing alone on clawed feet.

"See?" Harry whispered.

"I can't see anything."

"Look! Look at all of them... There are loads of them..."

"I can only see you."

"Look in it properly, go on, stand where I am."

Harry stepped aside, but with Ron in front of the mirror, he couldn't see his family anymore, just Ron in his paisley pajamas.

Ron though, was staring transfixed at his image.

"Look at me!" he said.

Talon looked, and she wasn't sure what Harry saw, but all she was seeing was Ron standing alone in his pajamas in front of a giant mirror.

"Can you see all of your family standing around you?" Harry questioned Ron.

"No- I'm alone- but I'm different- I look older- and I'm head boy!"

Talon lifted the disillusionment charm and became visible again.

"What are you two doing?"

Both boys jumped in surprise but quickly forgot their momentary fear of being caught out past curfew when they saw it was their Slytherin friend.

"Talon!" Harry shouted. "Come stand here and tell us what you see."

Talon obliged and stood in front of the great mirror. At first she could only see herself, then she blinked and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

She was wrapped in the embrace of someone, her head buried in the crook of their neck with her arms wrapped tightly around them. The other person had one arm wrapped protectively around her waist and their other hand stroking her curly mane of hair.

The couple relinquished their hold on one another and turned towards the front of the mirror with their hands intertwined.

The person holding Talon so lovingly in the mirror was none other than Professor Snape. She screeched and whipped around ,when she confirmed he wasn't behind her being weird she stalked forward towards the mirror and laid her palm against the cold glass.

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